Canada Soccer announces FIFA List of International Referees for 2025

FIFA List of International Referees 2025 

Canada Soccer has 15 match officials represented on the FIFA List of International Referees for 2025. 

“We are incredibly proud of the 15 match officials representing our organization on FIFA’s list of international referees,” said Canada Soccer President, Peter Augruso. “These officials reflect the best of our organization, putting countless hours into their craft and maintaining the highest level of integrity. They are role models who will continue to inspire those in our country who dream to reach the highest level possible.”

The list now recognizes Marie-Soleil Beaudoin as the longest tenured referee, officiating on the International List since 2014, and Marie-Han Gagnon Chrétien as assistant referee since 2015.

Beaudoin is joined by Myriam Marcotte (2019), Carly Shaw-Maclaren (2022) and Filip Dujic (2024) who continue on the list as Referees, while Beaudoin, Drew Fisher (2015) and Pierre-Luc Lauzière (2021) hold positions as both Video Match Officials and Referees. ​ Gagnon Chrétien is joined by Assistant Referees Melissa Snedden (2018), Stefan Tanaka-Freundt (2021), Micheal Barwegen (2018), Stéphanie Fortin (2019), Lyes Arfa (2021), Gabrielle Lemieux (2021), Chris Wattam (2018) and Gérard-Kader Lebuis (2024) who all make returns to the FIFA list. 

“Our FIFA match officials represent the highest level of achievement in refereeing by showcasing themselves on and off the field to be deserving of their position on the international stage”, added Canada Soccer’s Director of Refereeing, Isaac Raymond.

Canada Soccer Referees on the FIFA International List of Referees:

NameRoleReferee since
Marie-Soleil BEAUDOINReferee/ Video Match Official2014
Drew ​ FISCHERReferee/ Video Match Official2015
Myriam MARCOTTEReferee2019
Pierre-Luc LAUZIÈREReferee/ Video Match Official2021
Carly ​ SHAW-MACLARENReferee2022
Filip DUJICReferee2024
Marie-Han GAGNON CHRETIENAssistant Referee2015
Micheal BARWEGENAssistant Referee2018
Christopher WATTAMAssistant Referee2018
Melissa SNEDDENAssistant Referee2018
Stéphanie FORTINAssistant Referee2019
Lyes ARFAAssistant Referee2021
Stefan TANAKA-FREUNDTAssistant Referee2022
Gabrielle LEMIEUXAssistant Referee2022
Gérard-Kader LEBUISAssistant Referee2024

This past year, Drew Fischer, Micheal Barwegen and Lyes Arfa played key roles at the Olympic Games in Paris, France. Shaw-Maclaren and Lemieux featured prominently at the FIFA U17 Women’s World Cup, Dominican Republic, including appointments to the final match.

Chantal Boudreau retired from the list after 2024 after a glittering career including multiple FIFA Women’s World Cups and numerous senior international and domestic appointments.

Chris Grabas retired from the Futsal Referee list having served since 2018 having been selected to officiate at the 2024 CONCACAF Futsal Championship.


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