Archery Coach Training Courses

Have you ever thought about coaching archery? We are looking for intermediate to advanced archers interested in coach training to help facilitate development at the club level. If you would like to get involved with coaching new archers in your community/club, we are hosting the perfect course for you!

Certified coach training ensures that instruction in our sport is delivered correctly and professionally. In addition to learning archery-specific techniques, the  National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Course includes athlete and program management skills that can be an asset in your personal and professional life.

Archery Manitoba Coaching Coordinator, Ron Cooney will be hosting a National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Instructor of Beginner Archer Course (Level 1) on Saturday, April 22 & 29, 2023 (enrollment includes both days). The sessions will be hybrid, being offered virtually or in person at the Sport for Life Center, located at 145 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg, MB. The course will run from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM on both days at a cost of $100 per participant. Candidates that complete the post-course workbook and become certified are eligible for a $50 rebate.

Instructor of Beginner Archers: By presenting several mini-lessons and demonstrations, as well as observing interventions during shooting throughout the course of this workshop, coaches/instructors will be prepared to introduce archery to athletes in a variety of settings, including clubs, camps, schools, and other organized activities.

Please note, there is a $50 rebate for candidates that complete their evaluation. This course is available for youth (14 & up) and adults interested in becoming a coach.

To Register for the course, please visit:!/events/5275-instructor-of-beginner-archery-coaching-training-course

For any inquiries about the course, please contact Ryan Van Berkel at or call 204 925 5697

For more information on the Archery Canada NCCP Coaching Pathway, please visit the links below.

Coaching Archery in Canada – CLICK HERE 

Instructor of Beginner: Pathway to Certification – CLICK HERE


APRIL 23 & 30


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This level of coach/instructor helps participants refine basic skills and introduces a variety of more complex techniques to individuals who already have some experience in the sport and who already exhibit a fair degree of proficiency in the activity. They provide more “customized” instruction based on the individual performance characteristics of each archer and would be expected to manage larger groups. An instructor working with intermediate archers is expected to be moderately knowledgeable in all matters related to the selection and adjustment of equipment.

Certified coach training ensures that instruction in our sport is delivered correctly and professionally. In addition to learning archery-specific techniques, the  National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Course includes athlete and program management skills that can be an asset in your personal and professional life.

Archery Manitoba Coaching Coordinator, Ron Cooney will be hosting a National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Instructor of Intermediate Archer Course (Level 2) on Sunday, April 23 & 30, 2023 (enrollment includes both days). The sessions will be hybrid, being offered virtually or in person at the Sport for Life Center, located at 145 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg, MB. The course will run from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM on both days at a cost of $100 per participant. Candidates that complete the post-course workbook and become certified are eligible for a $50 rebate.

Instructor of Intermediate Archers”:

The Instructor of Intermediate Archers course is typically 15 hours in length. The Learning Facilitator will begin to introduce more technical coaching skills at this level. Following the in-class sessions the coach will complete training and a workshop evaluation, consisting of Case Studies and presentations, and be granted “Trained” status.

To become certified, the coach will need to submit a portfolio, consisting of your workbook, as well as complete an On-Site Evaluation with your learning facilitator. This evaluation will be of a practice session with your archers, and observe the coach’s skills and intervention tactics with an intermediate-level athlete. This can either be done in person, or through video (to be discussed and planned with your learning facilitator).

Please note, there is a $50 rebate for candidates that complete their evaluation. This course is available for youth (16 & up) and adults interested in becoming a coach.

To Register for the course, please visit:!/events/instructor-of-intermediate-archer-coaching-training-course

For any inquiries about the course, please contact Ryan Van Berkel at or call 204 925 5697

For more information on the Archery Canada NCCP Coaching Pathway, please visit the links below.

Coaching Archery in Canada – CLICK HERE 

Instructor & Coach: Training & Certification – CLICK HERE

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