Volleyball Manitoba – May 1, 2019 – The first weekend of the 2019 Volleyball Manitoba Provincial Championships took place this past weekend on April 26-28 with one hundred twenty three (123) teams competing in eight girls and boys age categories. The 2019 Provincials Championships involve 196 teams in total competing in thirteen championships over two weekends.
Final placings along with All-Star and MVP selections from April 26-28:
14u Girls Tier 1 Provincials (Dakota Community Centre, College Jeanne Sauve, & Victor Wyatt. Winnipeg)
1st Cats Gold
2nd Jr. Bison Gold
3rd Dynamo Sting
4th Big Sand Blue
5th Jr. Bison Brown
6th Vision Chaos
7th Vision Impact
8th Jr. Pilots Blue
9th Jr. Bison Black
10th Winman Clutch
11th Selkirk White
12th Club West South
13th Russell Club Volleyball (RCV)
14th Cats Blue
15th Dynamo Spark
16th Vipers 2
17th Big Sand Red
18th Team Power
19th Prairie Fire Black
20th Sandstorm
21st Predators
22nd Vision Vipers
23rd Selkirk Grey
24th Joust VC
25th Club West Rage
26th Pirates Blue
27th Jr. Pilots White
28th Vipers 1
29th Prairie Fire Orange
30th ACC Cougars
31st Aztecs
14u Boys Provincials (Garden City Collegiate, Maples Collegiate, & Mennonite Brethren College Institute, Winnipeg)
1st 204 14u Gold
2nd Selkirk Royals
3rd Jr. Pilots 14u
4th Winman Legacy
5th Winman Whiteout
6th Russell Club Volleyball
7th Brandon Volleyball Club (BVC) 14u Gold
8th 204 14u Cardinal
9th Joust 14u
10th 204 14u White
11th Jr. Pilots 13u
12th 204 13u Gold
13th Pirates
14th BVC 14u Blue
15th 204 13u Cardinal
15u Girls Provincials (Canada Games Sport For Life Centre, St. John’s Ravenscourt School, & St. Paul’s High School, Winnipeg)
1st Club West Rage
2nd Vision Hurricane
3rd Vision Rage
4th Jr. Bison Gold
5th Selkirk Royals
6th Jr. Pilots Blue
7th Dynamo Heat
8th Winman Chaos
9th Dynamo Riot
10th Vision Storm
11th Cats Gold
12th Big Sand
13th Jr. Bison Brown
14th Cats Blue
15th Pirates
16th Jr. Pilots White
17th Westman Volleyball Club (WVC)
18th Spitfires
19th Jr. Bison Black
20th Fury Blue
21st Vision Spartans
22nd Club West Smash
23rd Team VM 1
24th Joust
25th Fury Flames
26th Cougars
27th Team VM 2
All-Stars: Nina Baty (Jr Bison Gold), Bianca Oquendo (Vision Rage), Carissa Tran (Vison Hurricane), Jayda Sommerhalder (Vison Hurricane), Jori Hanson-Young (Club West Rage), Karyssa Watson (Club West Rage)
MVP: Madelyn Lesnor (Club West Rage)
16u Boys Provincials (Crocus Plains Regional Secondary School & Vincent Massey High School, Brandon)
1st Selkirk
2nd Jr. Pilots
3rd Winman Clutch
4th 204 Gold
5th Dakota
6th Winman Wild
7th 204 Cardinal
8th BVC Gold
9th Pirates
10th Storm
11th BVC Blue
All-Stars: Noah Koskie (204 Gold), Owen Dyck (Winman Clutch), Noah Boschman (Jr Pilots), Jonah Dueck (Jr Pilots), Reece Clarke (Selkirk), Rylan Vankooten (Selkirk)
MVP: Spencer Grahame (Selkirk)
17U Girls Provincials (University of Winnipeg – Duckworth Centre, Kelvin High School, & Westgate Mennonite Collegiate, Winnipeg)
1st Winman Force
2nd Cats 17u
3rd Jr.Wesmen
4th Club West Rage
5th Jr. Bison 17u
6th Jr. Pilots 17u
7th Insanity 17u
8th JVC 17u
9th Pirates 17u
10th South Mountain
11th Fury Black
12th Fury Windchill
13th Lady Thunder
All-Stars: Danika Scharff (Club West), Brooklyn Olfert (Jr Wesmen), Alexis Cancade (Cats), Marly Pellerin (Cats), Haley Bickell (Winman), Kendall Sorokowski (Winman)
MVP: Makenna Wyryha (Winman)
18U Girls Provincials (University of Winnipeg – Duckworth Centre, Kelvin High School, & Westgate Mennonite Collegiate, Winnipeg)
1st Jr. Bison Bentley
2nd Cats 18u
3rd Jr. Wesmen Black
4th Cobras
5th Jr. Wesmen Red
6th 431
7th WVC 18u
8th Jr. Bison Moore
9th Jr. Pilots 18u
10th Insanity 18u
11th Alliance 18u
12th SNVC 18u
13th Agoojin
All-Stars: Alli Pauls (Cobras), Alexa Wieczorkiewicz (Jr Wesmen), Sarah Hogue (Cats), Brianne Stott (Cats), Keziah Hoeppner (Jr Bison), Katreena Bentley (Jr Bison)
MVP: Julia Arnold (Jr Bison)
17U Boys Provincials (University of Manitoba – IGAC, Winnipeg)
1st 204 Gold
2nd 204 Cardinal
3rd Jr. Pilots
4th BVC Gold
5th Aztecs
6th BVC Blue
7th Voyageurs
8th 204 White
Allstars: Jayden Engel (BVC Gold), Sawyer Thiessen (Jr Pilots), Scott Mann (204 Cardinal), Alexander Krykewich (204 Cardinal), Bryce Cancilla (204 Gold), Paxton Koop (204 Gold)
MVP: James Duerksen (204 Gold)
18U Boys Provincials (University of Manitoba – IGAC, Winnipeg)
1st Winnipeg Strike
2nd Winman Warriors
3rd United
4th 204 18U
5th Parkland Predators
All-Stars: Liam Kristjanson (204), Liam Boschman (United), Brendan Zebrynski (Winman), Ose Izokun (Winman), Josh Terin (Strike), Darian Koskie (Strike)
MVP: Isaiah Olfert (Strike)
This coming weekend will feature another seventy three (73) teams competing in the following championship events:
May 4/5
13U Girls – Dakota Community Centre, Winnipeg
13U Boys – Sport for Life Centre , Winnipeg
14U Girls Tier 2 – Sport for Life Centre, Winnipeg
15U Boys – University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg
16U Girls – Brandon University & Crocus Plains High School, Brandon