Knowledge Nuggets

SIRC’s Knowledge Nuggets provide a daily source of insight, leveraging the latest in research findings, promising practices, relevant news and practical resources.

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Showing 671-680 of 1,952 Results

Movement tips for moms

August 25, 2022
Finding the time to fit in a home workout or exercise class can be challenging for moms. But small bouts of physical activity throughout the day, or “exercise snacks,” can be just as effective to achieve the health benefits of physical activity. Research shows that when moms reframe physical activity as “moving your body” instead...

Pickleball problems

August 24, 2022
For racquet sports like pickleball, concussion awareness may not always be a top concern. But after one player’s fall, all it took was a trip to the emergency room and a previously undetected tumour for Pickleball Hamilton to realize how important concussion protocols are—in any sport. Read the story that shifted Pickleball Hamilton’s perspective, and...

Sport research priorities

August 23, 2022
Promotion of safe sport experiences and sustaining volunteer engagement are two of the eight top research priorities identified by Canadian sport and physical activity stakeholders. By tailoring their research activities to fit the needs of knowledge users, sport and physical activity scholars can produce more impactful research.

Physical literacy and youth athletes

August 22, 2022
Sports-related injuries among youth are on the rise. According to research, declining physical literacy levels put youth at an increased risk for preventable injuries. Resistance training for youth can help prevent against sports-related injuries and improve physical literacy levels.

World Humanitarian Day

August 19, 2022
People across the world live in areas affected by natural disasters, conflict and persecution. Sport can be used as a positive tool in these areas to promote positive change and give individuals the opportunity to be included in something meaningful. Through their Sport for Protection approach, the UN Refugee Agency uses sport for children and...

Validity and reliability

August 18, 2022
Before implementing new technology into your program, first ask yourself, can the technology be believed? Assessing the validity and reliability of a new technology is one way to determine its credibility. Validity assesses if the technology is measuring what it promises to measure, while reliability speaks to its consistency and degree of error when providing...

Race, gender and confidence in coaching

August 17, 2022
Sport coaches aim to build confidence in their athletes, but coaches need self-confidence to optimize the support they can provide. Mentorship offers a way to develop confidence in Black women coaches, fostering professional development and personal growth and encouraging coaches to be their best selves.

The impact of RED-S on performance

August 16, 2022
Relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S) can negatively affect an athlete’s performance in many ways. For example, associated iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia can decrease athletes’ aerobic work capacity. RED-S can also interfere with an athlete’s ability to consistently train and compete due to the increased risk of illness and injury.

Athletes who ‘play-up’

August 15, 2022
‘Playing-up,’ or competing at a higher age level than a player’s actual age, can be both challenging and rewarding for youth athletes. According to new research, athletes who play up find the experience more positive when their teammates include them in group activities and coaches provide constructive feedback and encouragement.

Multi-sport participation

August 12, 2022
Youth who participate in multiple sports may be able to improve their performance in a given sport more quickly than their specialized peers. For example, in a study of 12-year-old soccer players, those who participated in multiple sports demonstrated greater improvements in match-play performance over the next 2 years than youth who were already specialized...
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