Knowledge Nuggets

SIRC’s Knowledge Nuggets provide a daily source of insight, leveraging the latest in research findings, promising practices, relevant news and practical resources.

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Showing 531-540 of 1,991 Results

Air quality is a safe sport issue

May 17, 2023
Training outdoors when air pollution is high is risky for athletes. SIRC and Health Canada have partnered to create resources, including an eLearning module, to teach participants and coaches about best practices when it comes to air quality and outdoor training.

Mental health and concussion

May 16, 2023
Concussion recovery can be a challenging time for athletes. Research shows that many athletes report mental health challenges, such as feelings of anxiety or depression during their recovery. Helping athletes seek mental health care after their concussion may help reduce the burden of concussions and improve their recovery outcomes.

Creating conditions for psychological safety

May 15, 2023
Ensuring that athletes feel comfortable voicing their opinion (and have it considered and respected) is an important aspect of psychological safety in sport. A recent study of 379 athletes showed that those who felt they could be open with their coaches and teammates were more likely to feel psychologically safe, and to have a positive...

Enhancing sport and physical activity for Canadians with disabilities

May 12, 2023
The Canadian Disability Participation Project (CDPP) is a cross-sector network of partners working together to enhance community participation among Canadians with disabilities. Since 2014, the CDPP sport and exercise team has created over 100 resources, including the “Blueprint for Building Quality Participation in Sport for Children, Youth and Adults with a Disability,” and the “Blueprint...

How to write a quality grant application

May 11, 2023
For many sport organizations, funding is a key topic of discussion. As they look to continue their missions or potentially create new, innovative and inclusive programming, questions about where that funding can come is top of mind. This blog provides strategies for crafting a convincing grant application.

Motivation to move

May 10, 2023
Physical activity remains low and sedentary behaviours remain high despite increased awareness of the importance of sport and exercise for health. A recent study examined how motivation to engage in physical activity varies across the day. Researchers found that motivation to exercise fluctuates in a manner similar to a circadian rhythm.

Perspectives on doping from Para coaches

May 9, 2023
Less research has focused on doping in Paralympic sport than Olympic sport. A recent study focused on Para sport coaches showed that they identify doping as an issue in Para sport and that it often stems from financial incentives and pressure to win.

In addition to warming up, “priming” may help athletes perform

May 8, 2023
Everyone knows to warm up before competing, but have you heard of “priming” beforehand? Priming is a round of non-tiring exercise that is done the day before or morning of a competition. Research shows priming may improve performance, as well as reduce athlete pre-competition stress.

Symptômes persistants de commotion cérébrale

May 8, 2023
Des recherches canadiennes montrent que près de 40 % des jeunes âgés de 13 à 17 ans présentent des symptômes post-commotionnels persistants, c’est-à-dire des symptômes de commotion cérébrale qui durent plus d’un mois. Aider les jeunes athlètes à obtenir les soins dont ils ont besoin après une commotion cérébrale, par exemple en les orientant vers...

Aligning the top and bottom of the sport development pathway

May 5, 2023
Decisions made at the national sport level influence participation at the community level. Problems occur when there is misalignment between what is needed for each level and what is decided at the top. Decision-makers should consider how they can generate alignment between all levels in a sports pathway to improve long-term player development.

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