Knowledge Nuggets

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Showing 251-260 of 1,990 Results

No apparent Relative Age Effect in surfing

June 25, 2024
Relative Age Effect (RAE) suggests that there may be performance advantages to athletes who are born earlier in the calendar year as they may be physically, cognitively, and emotionally more mature than younger peers in the same age grouping. However, early research on the new Olympic sport of surfing reveals it may be one of...

Improving Para sport through coaching

June 24, 2024
Ensuring equitable access and quality experiences for disabled people in sport is an ongoing challenge. Well trained coaches are crucial for delivering good opportunities, especially in Para sport. They play a key role in helping disabled individuals achieve important sporting and social goals.

Strength and conditioning for golf

June 24, 2024
Strength and conditioning (S&C) programs for golfers show promising improvements in performance. S&C programs, including strength training and plyometrics, have been shown to increase clubhead speed, ball speed, and distance by 4 to 6.4%.

Navigating sponsorship challenges for Paralympic athletes

June 24, 2024
Did you know that Paralympic athletes’ portrayal as inspirational figures influences their sponsorship opportunities? But not all athletes fit into these narratives, leading to challenges securing sponsorships. The views shaping sponsor perceptions highlight inequalities in sponsor access based on athletes’ perceived inspiration levels, calling for inclusive sponsorship practices and intersectional research for fairer opportunities.

Benefits of traditional physical activities for indigenous youth

June 21, 2024
On Indigenous Peoples Day, it’s crucial to recognize the significance of traditional physical activities for indigenous youth. In a recent review, researchers found that engaging in traditional physical activities helped youth feel connected to their land and community while supporting the development of healthy habits. This highlights the importance of integrating traditional physical activities in...

The psychology of rest in athletes

June 20, 2024
Despite the critical role that rest plays in athlete performance and well-being, researchers and practitioners have paid little attention to the psychological aspects of rest. This study highlights that recovery doesn’t just involve recovering physically; it also involves recovering psychologically. Psychological recovery can be in part achieved through high-quality sleep, wakeful resting, and psychological detachment...

The social benefits of sport event volunteering

June 19, 2024
Did you know that volunteering at mega sporting events like the Olympics can help build social connections and enhance social capital among volunteers? A recent study found that volunteers formed ties with others through shared experiences, such as working together towards common goals and living in close quarters during the event. The research recommends event...

Young people’s reasons for leaving organized sports

June 18, 2024
A recent study examined the reasons Norwegian youths provided for dropping out of organized sports and how these reasons depend on social backgrounds such as socioeconomic status, gender, and ethnicity. Overall, the most common reasons for dropout were prioritizing schoolwork, lack of skills, and friends quitting.

Injuries in the new Olympic sport of breakdancing

June 17, 2024
The fast-paced, acrobatic sport of breakdancing, or “breaking”, will make its debut at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris this summer. A recent study looked at the injury, training, biomechanical, and physiological profiles of breakers and found that they are at a higher risk of injury than other forms of dance, with knee injuries reported...

Self-compassion in women athletes

June 14, 2024
Self-compassion, defined as being supportive, accepting, and nonjudgmental to yourself, can be very beneficial for women athletes. Research shows that practicing self-compassion may help improve women’s sports performance as it reduces the self-criticism that can often bring women athletes down.

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