Knowledge Nuggets

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Showing 1951-1960 of 1,989 Results

child inactivity

July 18, 2017
By the Numbers 120 billion dollars in health care expenses could be saved every year if children who are currently sedentary participated in daily exercise – and that’s just in the US. Inactivity among children and teens is dangerously low and there are immediate risks, as well as long-term health issues, that affect the entire...

types of ex

July 17, 2017
Top 4 List Some people love running or cycling, others prefer lifting weights. While it’s extremely important to engage in exercise that we enjoy, to keep ourselves fit, mobile, and at our healthiest, we should be incorporating aerobic exercise, stretching, strength training, and balance exercises. This article describing the 4 Most Important Types of Exercise...

time for fitness

July 14, 2017
Activity and Exercise Not having enough time is one of the biggest reasons for inactivity. It’s easy to see how working full-time, raising children, and keeping up with other commitments can make us put physical activity on the back burner. Exercise should still be a priority, though. These tips to find time for fitness are...

child anxiety

July 13, 2017
How To Many children develop performance anxiety in sport, in school, and other domains. This guide geared towards coaches and parents outlines what should be done to help kids with performance anxiety. It covers what performance anxiety is, how it manifests itself, why it may be happening, and how to help athletes cope with it.

active parks

July 12, 2017
SIRC Blog One of the top recommended strategies to increase physical activity is to increase public access to places where people can engage in physical activity. Installing free outdoor fitness equipment to create “active parks” is one way some cities have targeted improving access for adults and seniors to get fit. While there are many...

sports parent

July 11, 2017
By the Numbers 70% of kids drop out of sports by age 14. While there a number of reasons this happens, parents play an important role in promoting enjoyment of sport, teaching their kids valuable life lessons, and ultimately, keeping their children in sport. This list of 5 Ways to be a Great Sports Parent...


July 10, 2017
Quote of the Day “If you are not making mistakes, you’re not stretching yourself.” Read about how mistakes are a valuable part of sport and how coaches can inspire by wearing failure like a badge of honour. 

internal motivation

July 7, 2017
Leadership There are different types of motivation, but for both athletes and employees, intrinsic motivation can be the difference maker. Coaches and leaders at the workplace have the power to inspire and build a team culture based on this kind of motivation. This article highlights three ways that you can fuel the internal fire of...

PA vs sitting

July 6, 2017
Teaching Moment Many of us have heard about how “sitting kills”, and how sitting more than 8 hours a day, combined with minimal exercise, is as bad for us as smoking or being obese. It can be difficult to reduce the number of hours we spend sitting, particularly for those with desk jobs, or other...

sport canada

July 5, 2017
SIRC Blog Health Canada has launched a public consultation on restricting the marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages to children. The proposed approach aims to protect children from marketing tactics that encourage them to eat unhealthy foods and could impact the sport sector. All sport stakeholders are strongly encouraged to participate in this consultation.

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