Knowledge Nuggets

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Showing 1911-1920 of 1,990 Results

feed zone portables

September 19, 2017
Nutrition Sports nutrition and proper fueling has an important role in athletic performance. Pre-packaged gels and energy bars are convenient when on the go, but some athletes are turning towards real food during races or long rides. Check out Feed Zone Portables, a natural, energy-packed option tailored to athletic demands. 

space science

September 18, 2017
Did You Know Space travel and science is more than moonwalks and recycling liquids. A lot of the technologies developed for space have impacted healthcare in our everyday lives here on Earth. This list of 10 Ways That Astronauts Are Helping You Stay Healthy is an interesting look into how space technologies are being used...

artistic cycling

September 15, 2017
Activity and Exercise Artistic Cycling is an incredibly impressive sport. Popular in countries like Germany, Slovakia, and Austria, it’s like gymnastics on a moving bicycle. Check out some of the pros perform routines that appear to defy the laws of physics. 

injury prevention in youth

September 14, 2017
Infographic Young athletes are pushed harder and harder to achieve. A side effect of training intensity and specialization is an increase in injury occurrence. Check out this infographic of 9 tips for injury prevention in youth athletes.

SCRI 2017 Blog

September 13, 2017
SIRC Blog Despite sport having endless benefits for your health, social well-being, and everyday life, many individuals are still hesitant to participate. In order to resolve this itching problem of how to get more people involved in sport, we must answer why. What is preventing them from participating? What are the barriers that youth, persons...


September 12, 2017
Teaching Moment What has a bigger influence on your health: lifestyle choice or genetics? If there is a family history of disease, is there anything you can do about it? Jonathan Ross describes it quite simply: small choices + time = health. Read about how our daily lifestyle choices influence the outcome of our current...

women in research

September 11, 2017
What Do You Think While they participate in exercise and sport about as much as men do, women are often underrepresented in studies in exercise science. It is not uncommon for researchers to cite funding, time, and menstrual cycle constraints as reasons for the disparity. Should there be stricter guidelines to include women as participants,...


September 8, 2017
Nutrition Losing weight may not only be a matter of what you eat, but also one of when you eat. Consuming more calories in the first half of the day can deter overeating at night. What’s more interesting is that when the same number of calories are consumed in a day, a bigger breakfast and...

stop exercise

September 7, 2017
Activity and Exercise Sedentary behaviour will impact your body in many negative ways. When healthy young adults stopped being active for just two weeks, the results were significant and astonishing. While it’s possible to reverse the changes by getting back to your active routine, it’s still alarming what can happen to your body if you...

budget participation

September 6, 2017
The new school year is on the horizon and parents want to make sure that their children stay active and healthy. One of the easiest ways to help that along is by signing them up for a sport. With 90% of Canadians stating that the costs of sport are a barrier, how can families give...

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