Knowledge Nuggets

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Showing 1481-1490 of 1,952 Results

Bystander Effect

April 24, 2019
Whether relating to abuse and harassment, or systemic doping, you may wonder how some issues remain open secrets in organizations where multiple stakeholders know about a problem or a concern, but no one publicly brings it up. Research reported in the Harvard Business Review describes a “bystander effect” whereby people stand on the sidelines as...

Exercise and the Immune System

April 23, 2019
The immune system declines by about 2-3% a year from our 20s, which is why older people are more susceptible to infections, conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer. However, research from the United Kingdom has found that high levels of physical activity can stall the shrinking of the thymus gland. The thymus gland produces T...

Warmth vs. Competence

April 18, 2019
New research from Nipissing University examined the characteristics parents/guardians use to judge unknown youth hockey coaches. The findings reveal that parents/guardians determined the coach to be less suitable if they’re perceived to lack competence, whereas a perceived lack of warmth did not have similar consequences. Read more about the findings and what they mean for...

Concussion Blog – Ringette

April 17, 2019
For ringette, putting a values lens on the issue of concussions made decision-making simpler – preventing concussions as much as possible and ensuring athletes recover properly are priorities. When pressure to return to play comes from athletes not wanting to miss out, or parents pushing to have their child back on the ice, clear protocols...

Safe Sport Consultation

April 16, 2019
To address abuse and harassment in sport, the Coaching Association of Canada is leading a consultation process to explore the creation of a pan Canadian code of conduct and associated sanctions. To complement a series of in-person consultations, an online survey has been launched to increase the reach of the process. To share your thoughts...

Intellectual humility

April 15, 2019
“Intellectual humility”, often related to open-mindedness, is linked to four key leadership characteristics: respect for other viewpoints; not being intellectually overconfident; separating one’s ego from one’s intellect; and willingness to revise one’s own viewpoint. However, philosophers argue the most effective leaders have one additional characteristic – “openness to experience”, which makes them curious enough to...

Choking Under Pressure

April 12, 2019
Facing elimination, do teams elevate their performance or stumble under the pressure? A study of NBA games from 33 seasons revealed that most teams “choked”. Findings suggest coaches should refrain from deliberate building of high-pressure environments with hopes of achieving performance enhancement effect among their teams.

Benefits of Play

April 11, 2019
Parents and other adults can place restrictions on the unstructured play of children, reducing child independence and limiting them to “boring” play spaces. Increasing access to outdoor, unstructured play promotes physical and mental health; improves social skills, creativity and team work; improves learning and attention at school; and improves resilience and risk management skills. Download...

Ringette Concussion Blog

April 10, 2019
With so many stakeholders and sometimes competing priorities, alignment across the sport sector is a challenge. However, preventing and addressing concussion is one issue where alignment is common sense. From the grassroots to the high-performance levels in ringette, organizations are coming together through SIRC’s #HeadstrongCanada campaign. Learn more in today’s SIRC blog.

Technique errors in runners

April 9, 2019
Shin splints, runners’ knee, iliotibial (IT) band pain, and Achilles tendinopathy are common injuries experienced by runners. Research suggests that many of these injuries are the result of simple technique errors. Using 3D infrared cameras, researchers identified common biomechanical patterns, such as side to side pelvis drop and greater forward lean, were more likely to...
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