Knowledge Nuggets

SIRC’s Knowledge Nuggets provide a daily source of insight, leveraging the latest in research findings, promising practices, relevant news and practical resources.

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Showing 1371-1380 of 1,953 Results

Ultimate Frisbee Observers

October 3, 2019
Most ultimate frisbee games are played without officials, relying on the “Spirit of the Game” which places responsibility for fair play on the athletes. At the highest levels of the sport, an “observer” provides a neutral perspective for dispute resolution or objective rules.

Hacking Exercise for Health

October 2, 2019
Interested in updating your workout regime with the latest strength and conditioning science? A new massive open online course (MOOC) from McMaster University launches today, designed to provide insight and practical tips to apply evidence-based techniques to achieving your health and fitness goals. Learn more about Hacking Exercise for Health.

Human Performance and the Gut

October 1, 2019
As extreme endurance races become more popular, athletes are confronting a new limit on human performance – their gut. New research shows your digestive track can only absorb 2.5 times your basal metabolic rate (BMR) worth of calories per day. With some athletes depleting their glycogen and fat stores at 4 or 5 times their...

Reframing Quitting

September 30, 2019
While sport is often used to teach lessons about commitment and overcoming adversity, sometimes it makes more sense to quit.  According to Psychology Today, parents can help their children navigate this decision by helping them assess their goals and motivations, reframing quitting, and encouraging them to explore alternative pursuits.

Supplements & the Youth Athlete

September 27, 2019
According to research, youth athletes judge the use of nutritional supplements as acceptable when the negative health consequences are low, the coach’s attitude toward the supplement is favourable, and the expectation of short-term success is high. With supplements considered by some to be a gateway to the use of prohibited substances, this has important implications...

Integration in Para Sport

September 26, 2019
Integration of para sport with able-bodied sport is often assumed to be the preferred participation model. But what do para athletes think? Today’s blog disrupts this assumption, calling for more research into the merits and pitfalls of integrated vs. “distinct and separate” sport from the perspective of the athletes.

Rowan’s Law Day 2019

September 25, 2019
Today is “Rowan’s Law Day” – commemorated annually on the last Wednesday of September to raise awareness about concussion prevention and management. Learn more about Rowan Stringer and SIRC’s Four Rs of concussion management, then use #RowansLawDay and #HeadstrongCanada online to share how you, your team, or your organization is taking action.

AWG2020 and the TRC Calls to Action

September 24, 2019
Number 91 from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action reads: We call upon the officials and host countries of international sporting events such as the… [Arctic Winter Games] …to ensure that Indigenous peoples’ territorial protocols are respected, and local Indigenous communities are engaged in all aspects of planning and participating in...

Demystifying Tryouts

September 23, 2019
Are you a coach that will be holding tryouts this fall? Young athletes and their parents may be unfamiliar with the tryout process. By giving specific instructions, referring to all players by name, and using encouraging language, you can ensure all players feel welcome and able to perform to their best ability. For more tips...

National Coaches Week 2019

September 20, 2019
September 21-29, 2019 is National Coaches Week – a week to celebrate the tremendous positive impact coaches have on athletes and communities across Canada. To celebrate, online training programs through the Coaching Association of Canada’s National Coaching Certification Program are free – click here for information about accessing the training, and other National Coaches Week...
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