Knowledge Nuggets

SIRC’s Knowledge Nuggets provide a daily source of insight, leveraging the latest in research findings, promising practices, relevant news and practical resources.

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Earth Day 2020

April 22, 2020
Today is Earth Day, part of an international movement to drive positive action for our planet. In Belgium, researchers developed a tool using broadcast archives of professional sport events to build long-term datasets of changes in seasonal foliage. Analysis of footage from the Tour of Flanders showed the same 46 trees blooming earlier than they...

National Volunteer Week 2020

April 21, 2020
Many community sport clubs rely on volunteers for management and program delivery, including coaching. One way to support volunteer recruitment and retention is to understand volunteers’ expectations – both of themselves, and of the organization. In recognition of National Volunteer Week (April 19-25), learn how sport organizations can support strong “psychological contracts” amongst volunteer coaches.

Managing Stress

April 20, 2020
“We may not have control over our circumstances, but we do have control over our minds.” The Harvard Business Review recommends mental skills and practices to help get us through this challenging time, including expressing gratitude, finding purpose, and using your breath to help with focus and anxiety reduction.

Outdoor Recreation Infographic

April 17, 2020
Unless you feel ill, spending time outdoors every day, alone or with the people you live with, is an excellent way to take care of your mental and physical health. Tips from the Outdoor Recreation Council of BC to keep ourselves, our communities and our outdoor spaces safe and healthy include staying local, expecting closures,...

Conversations Matter

April 16, 2020
Avoiding a challenging conversation with a co-worker may only make the situation worse. From the Sport Law & Strategy Group blog, Dina Bell-Laroche offers tips to minimize interpersonal tension, including “be intentional,” “do the hard work first” and “be courageous.”

NWSIS Nutrition Infographic

April 15, 2020
Are you constantly feeling flat, tired and unmotivated? While stress could be the cause given the current circumstances, this infographic from the New South Wales Institute of Sport provides some other suggestions, including sleep patterns, dietary habits, overtraining and dehydration.

New SIRCTalks Episode

April 14, 2020
All sports events impact the community in which they are held. In the latest SIRCTalks episode – Managing Sport Events to Maxmize Positive Impacts – University of Waterloo’s Laura Wood discusses how the hosting of non-mega sports events can leave lasting, meaningful and positive impacts on the host community.

15 At-Home Activities

April 9, 2020
Meeting the recommended movement guidelines can contribute to the health and wellbeing of you and your family. In this ParticipACTION blog, 15 ways for you & your family to stay active at home, discover activities that you can do in your living room, on the balcony or in the backyard.

Basketball AI

April 8, 2020
The use of machine learning and artificial intelligence in basketball has advanced in-game analysis, enabling coaches to more accurately predict player and team performances by identifying trends. Read how these techniques are revealing new insights about individual players, their teams and their opponents, promising future changes in how the pros play basketball and how the...

Crisis Management

April 7, 2020
Sport organizations across Canada are feeling the impact of COVID-19 with the cancellation of programs and closure of facilities. Following extreme flooding in 2010-2011, community sport organizations in Australia faced a similar dilemma. Key learnings from their experience include 1. Find strength in numbers – continue to nurture relationships, and express gratitude to staff, volunteers...
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