Knowledge Nuggets

SIRC’s Knowledge Nuggets provide a daily source of insight, leveraging the latest in research findings, promising practices, relevant news and practical resources.

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Showing 1141-1150 of 1,955 Results

Employee Appreciation

September 30, 2020
Regular check-ins, productive feedback, schedule flexibility, and professional growth opportunities are a few simple ways to express gratitude to your employees. Research has shown that when employees feel appreciated, they are more productive. Similarly, teams perform better when members believe their colleagues respect and appreciate them.

Return to Play Plans

September 29, 2020
“We made it clear that compliance with public health guidelines was non-negotiable. But we realized that there were tonnes of things that were negotiable – class times, set up, the streamlining of intake processes – where we could be innovative and create the best experience for our members.” Stuart McReynolds, President & CEO of the...

Yoga and Health

September 28, 2020
A new study found yoga improves symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder, a condition characterized by chronic nervousness and worry. According to the study’s lead author, “This study suggests that at least short-term there is significant value for people with generalized anxiety disorder to give yoga a try to see if it works for them. Yoga...

3D Model for Figure Skating

September 25, 2020
A new mathematical model developed by researchers at the University of Alberta reveals how figure skaters move across the ice in three dimensions. Their findings could help skaters hone their technique or avoid common injuries like spiral fractures in the lower leg.

Barriers to Physical Activity for Rural Communities

September 24, 2020
Common barriers to physical activity in rural, remote and Indigenous communities include limited access to recreational facilities, lack of sidewalks, uneven road surfaces, wildlife, and inclement weather. Learn more about evidence-based strategies for promoting physical activity in these communities.

Return to Contact Sports

September 23, 2020
Researchers from the University of Bath warn there may be an increased risk of injury for athletes returning to contact sports after prolonged training restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing on parallels from the 2011 National Football League 20-week lockout where frequent injuries were observed after returning to competition, the researchers recommend building individualized...

Verbal Feedback

September 22, 2020
Verbal feedback is arguably the most abundantly used coaching “tool” in sport, but can be more or less effective depending on the type of feedback and timing. Research recommends the use of positive comparisons (e.g. in relation to previous performance), and the provision of feedback after strong trials more often than weak trials.

National Coaches Week 2020

September 21, 2020
It’s National Coaches Week! From practice design, to coach retention, to mentorship, peruse the SIRC blogs and SIRCuit articles for the latest coaching-related research. The SIRC team says #ThanksCoach to the influential coaches we’ve had in our lives.

National Coaches Week 2020

September 18, 2020
National Coaches Week (September 19-27, 2020) celebrates the positive impact coaches have on athletes and communities across Canada. It’s an opportunity to recognize coaches for the integral role they play by simply saying #ThanksCoach. From the Coaching Association of Canada, here are a few simple ways to take part, including free or discounted NCCP education.

Digital Overload

September 17, 2020
A steady stream of remote meetings or online classes can become exhausting as the pandemic wears on, according to experts at the University of Alberta. Avoid digital overload by taking breaks away from screens, avoiding multitasking during meetings, and setting up informal online group drop-ins.
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