On March 20, join LGBTQI2S sport inclusion educators and activists Jennifer Birch-Jones and Stephanie Shostak to discuss the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport’s (CCES) guidance for sport organizations on trans inclusion in sport, and the CCES’s latest policy and practice template resource. They will share their knowledge and experiences with trans inclusion policy development and implementation in Canadian sport, and answer participants’ questions.
Register now: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6494870558096804875
Download the reference materials:
Creating Inclusive Environments for Trans Participants in Canadian Sport – Guidance for Sport Organizations
Creating Inclusive Environments for Trans Participants in Canadian Sport – Policy and Practice Template for Sport Organizations
About the Educators
Jennifer Birch-Jones (cisgender) is the co-author of the two CCES trans inclusion in sport resources. Stephanie Shostak (transgender) is a transgender advocate and an openly trans high-level amateur sports official. She is the President and CEO of Prism Consulting Services Ltd., who focuses on diversity, inclusion, stakeholder collaboration and engagement with a focus on the LGBTQ+ community. Stephanie is an 18-year privacy professional with a focus on privacy compliance and breach investigations.