The CSIO Sport Science Conference is a multidisciplinary conference that highlights the work of integrated support teams (ISTs) and practitioners who work with Canadian national team athletes and coaches. Learn how sport science, nutrition and allied sport therapy professionals integrate, collaborate and innovate to enhance the performance of high performance athletes as they prepare to compete on the world stage at Olympic and Paralympic Games.
NOTE: The sessions will be recorded for registered participants to view following the event. The conference sessions are Friday December 3rd (2pm -5pm EST), Saturday December 4th (11am – 2pm EST), and Sunday December 5th (11am – 2pm EST).
Sessions include:
An Overview of the “Making-Weight” Process
Weight-category sports are unique in that they require participants to weigh-in prior to competition in an effort to eliminate size discrepancy. Naturally, this has led athletes to attempt to gain competitive advantage through weight-manipulation, otherwise known as “making-weight”. From body-composition manipulation to fluid-management to low-residue diets, this session will provide an overview of the “making-weight” process, and insight into novel approaches.
Kevin Iwasa-Madge MHSc, RD, CSCS
Sport Nutritionist and Strength and Conditioning Coach at Canadian Sport Institute Ontario
Video Analysis: Getting the Most Out of What You Have
From a quick video on a phone to a more involved session with multiple dedicated cameras, video can be a powerful tool for providing feedback on technical performance. In this talk, we’ll discuss collecting and analyzing video to get the most rigorous information possible. From selecting the proper equipment to meet your goals to setting up a video session, to choosing the right analysis apps or software this talk will cover the technical and analytical decisions that need to be made when using video as part of your coaching. This will include the assumptions made when analyzing video and how video analysis compares to gold standard measurement equipment.
Lindsay Musalem, M.Sc
Biomechanist at Canadian Sport Institute Ontario
Athlete Recovery Strategies: Means and Methods
Recovery plays a critical role in developing and maximizing an athlete’s potential for high performance and is very much a process that requires dedicated effort. This session will outline various means and methods that athletes and coaches may utilize to maximize recovery in efforts to withstand the heavy workloads required to achieve high performance, and also achieve the greatest return on their training investments.
Andrew Cochran, PhD, CSCS
Strength and Conditioning Coach at Canadian Sport Institute Ontario
Remo Bucci, RMT, CSMTA (SF)
Registered Massage Therapist at Canadian Sport Institute Ontario
Practical Training Consideration for Para Sport Athletes
In this session we will summarize how certain impairments or disabilities alter the normal physiological responses to exercise, and discuss some unique practical considerations for working with para sport athletes.
Melissa Lacroix, MSc. CAT (C)
Lead, Sport Physiologist at Canadian Sport Institute Ontario
Erica Gavel M.Sc
Paralympian and PhD Candidate at Ontario Tech University in the Faculty of Science
Designing Testing and Monitoring Programs
Well-conceived and executed testing and monitoring programs can be powerful tools for developing athletes to their full potential. In this presentation we look at how to use key performance indicators, benchmarks and bona fide occupational requirements to monitor athlete performance and development. We examine the importance of validity and reliability in testing, current limitations with some testing batteries and how to create a more informed monitoring and testing protocol for a given sport.
Gary McGrath M.Sc, CSCS
Strength and Conditioning Coach at Canadian Sport Institute Ontario
Greg Lewandowski M.Sc, CSCS
Strength and Conditioning Coach at Canadian Sport Institute Ontario
Enhancing Acute Competition Performance
From waking up to warm up to effective use of mental, nutritional, and physical preparation modalities and methods on game day can make the difference between winning and losing. A well-executed plan on the day of competition can impact performance by several percent. This session will examine a transdisciplinary approach to enhance your game day competition plan. We will discuss interconnected strategies, the implementation, and the impact they have on performance.
Nicole Jenicek, CSCS, MSc(c)
Strength and Conditioning Coach at Canadian Sport Institute Ontario
Christine St. Clair, RD
Registered Dietitian and Sport Nutritionist at Canadian Sport Institute Ontario
Meena Sharif, CSCS, MPK
Strength & Conditioning Coach at Canadian Sport Institute Ontario
Krista McHardy, RMT, CAT(C), ATC
Certified Athletic Therapist at Canadian Sport Institute
The Challenge of Multi-Team Athletes
Sometimes athletes are faced with the challenge of competing for more than one team and juggling the demands of multiple coaches and support staff. This session will focus on how support staff from different teams can communicate and collaborate to most effectively provide athletes a safe and effective training experience and meet the performance needs for each of their teams.
Lauren Buschmann, MSc, CSCS
Strength and Conditioning Coach and Sport Scientist at the Canadian Sport Institute Ontario
Sport Scientist/IST Lead for Canada Basketball Senior Women’s National Team
Christine Camozzi, MPK, B.Ed, CSCS
Strength and Conditioning Coach (Apprentice) at Canadian Sport Institute Ontario.
Cycling Return to Play
Injuries are a common part of sport. Having a good plan for returning athletes to their sport in the fastest most effective way possible is the hallmark of a good high performance program. This presentation and Q&A session will focus on how the Cycling Canada IST use an interdisciplinary approach to return track cycling athletes to full training and competing as efficiently as possible.
Stephen McMullan
Strength and Conditioning Coach at Canadian Sport Institute Ontario
Beach Volleyball Tokyo Prep
Preparing for the Tokyo Olympic Games was unlike the prep for any other games. Everything was affected, training, competition, travel, and interaction with support personnel. Even at the games, COVID Restrictions changed how and where athletes could prepare for competition. This presentation and Q&A session will focus on how the Beach Volleyball IST created plans and procedures to adapt to the everchanging landscape of preparing for the Tokyo Games.
Ryan MacDonald
Strength and Conditioning Coach at Canadian Sport Institute Ontario
Manager, High Performance at Volleyball Canada (Beach)
When: December 3-5, 2021
- 2-5 pm on Friday
- 11 am-2 pm on Saturday and Sunday
Where: Virtual (link and instructions will be sent closer to the event).
- Early Bird Rate until November 12th – $85 + HST
- Regular Rate (Nov. 13-30) – $105 + HST