Use double quotes to find documents that include the exact phrase: "aerodynamic AND testing"

Sport and physical activity research can get stuck sitting in the pages of academic journals. Integrated knowledge translation is one way to make sure that doesn’t happen! Integrated knowledge translation involves meaningful collaboration between researchers and knowledge users to help bridge the gap between research and practice.

Augmented reality (AR) creates an enhanced version of the real world using digital visual, sound, and sensory information. Research shows that AR in sports can assist athlete training by providing visualizations of real-time performance metrics and increasing the accuracy of complex movements through feedback. Interactive scenarios created by AR can also further enhance the viewing experience of spectators.

The sport sector is constantly striving to enhance injury prevention mechanisms. Sports injury surveillance systems that provide quality data are critical when creating and evaluating injury prevention strategies. These strategies should be incorporated at all levels to create stronger standards for data reporting, monitoring injury and developing sport safety strategies.

Diagnosing concussions in athletes and deciding on return-to-play strategies often relies on subjective measurements. The Concussion Index can help reduce subjectivity by using brain electrical activity and machine learning to diagnose concussions. Improved diagnosis reliability can help reduce concussion-related disabilities in athletes.

Research shows that sport participation can help athletes cope with adverse life events. For example, social support networks built through participation in recreational sport leagues can build confidence and offer a reprieve from negative emotions. Adult sport leagues can harness these findings to better market and reshape their leagues to attract new participants.

Promotion of safe sport experiences and sustaining volunteer engagement are two of the eight top research priorities identified by Canadian sport and physical activity stakeholders. By tailoring their research activities to fit the needs of knowledge users, sport and physical activity scholars can produce more impactful research.

Before implementing new technology into your program, first ask yourself, can the technology be believed? Assessing the validity and reliability of a new technology is one way to determine its credibility. Validity assesses if the technology is measuring what it promises to measure, while reliability speaks to its consistency and degree of error when providing measurements.

Whether people are baseball fanatics or just Brad Pitt fans, they’ve most likely seen the film Moneyball. It’s based on the true story of the Oakland A’s, a Major League Baseball team that changed sport recruitment by using statistics to scout talent, choose players, and establish a winning team. But it takes more than statistics to build a successful team. It takes careful integration of players’ skills and personalities. Learn more in the SIRC blog.

Technology is rapidly changing the sporting landscape. A recent study showed that advances in footwear technology since 2017 have significantly improved seasonal best times for distance runners. New shoe technology is responsible for a 1.7% performance increase in women’s marathon time (approximately 2 minutes, 10 seconds).

Sport organizations produce more data than most organizations, ranging from athlete training and performance tracking to memberships and participation data. But how often is this data used to inform decision-making? Learn more about how Row Ontario is using existing data to inform decisions that will help to grow the sport in the SIRC Blog.