Spring SIRCuit

The theme of this edition is “best practices within Canadian sport.” We sought out experts on topics that might be confusing to Canadian sport stakeholders and asked those experts to present information and advice in a clear, accessible way. The result is a SIRCuit that covers a variety of topics, from high stakes issues, to knowledge gaps, to theory to practice.

American football on field with goal post in background.

In October of 2018, recreational cannabis use became legal across all of Canada for individuals who are 19 years and older. Data gathered from the years following the legalization of recreational cannabis suggest that one quarter of all Canadian adults, and nearly half of all Canadians aged 20-24, have used cannabis in the past year. This SIRCuit article explores the current state of cannabis use in relation to sport in Canada and advice on how sport organizations should approach the topic of cannabis with athletes.

Canadian sport is undergoing cultural change. In this SIRCuit article, SIRC interviewed Indigenous sport leader, Dorothy Paul, to gain her insight on how to best conceptualize system change within the sport sector. Paul calls upon the 2 Loops Theory of Change, as well as her own experience as an athlete, administrator and mentor.
A cyclist rides near industrial smokestacks
While there is a broad understanding of how to protect sport participants from environmental events like lightning, few people know what to do when the air quality is poor. This SIRCuit article highlights key information about air pollution and the safety of outdoor sport participation, and outlines strategies that sport stakeholders can implement to help protect sport participants from the harmful effects of air pollution.

These are so many terms used within the sport sector to discuss the different ways in which sport delivery, programs, and culture are approached. Whether you are new to working in sport, or an experienced staff member, participant, or even sport parent, it’s not uncommon to hear these terms used and feel a sense of confusion. In this SIRCuit article, SIRC’s own Jennifer Coletti and Veronica Allan explore 3 approaches: quality sport, values-based sport and safe sport. 

In a grassroots youth context, Sport for Development is as much about providing a supportive environment where youth can develop as people, as it is a place to train and compete. This SIRCuit article draws on recent insights from the Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Foundation’s Change the Culture, Change the Game report. It extends the practical recommendations and approaches voiced by over 8,200 youth and parents in Ontario for sport organizations and administrations looking to act on advancing a more positive culture for youth in sport.

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