Do Hard Things: Building Toughness & Developing Resilience
Toughness has long been held as a fundamental key to achieving peak performance. We’ve been taught toughness means bulldozing through—pushing to the point of breakdown—and that showing any sign of weakness is failure. This model of toughness has long been glorified and celebrated. But the truth is, it doesn’t work. Steve Magness flips the script on…
Abuse-Free Sport Webinar Series (Part 2):What is the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS)?
The UCCMS is the core document that sets harmonized rules to be adopted by federally-funded sport organizations in order to foster a respectful sport culture to deliver quality, inclusive, accessible, welcoming and safe sport experiences. The UCCMS addresses: common principles and a commitment to advance a respectful sport culture; standard definitions of various forms of…
#WomenLeadingWomen Lunch & Learn Series – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with Andrea Carey of INclusion INcorporated
PacificSport Fraser Valley is offering monthly Lunch & Learns to bring together women in the sport and physical activity sector (and beyond) who are looking to advance their leadership skills, meet other like-minded women and learn from guest presenters on a range of important topics. Through interactive sessions, participants will hear from women in leadership…
Grief and Loss Essentials
Our current culture is grief and mourning phobic, and does not invite people to recognize, honour, and express their grief. This mindset translates to different domains where we are too often encouraged to stay strong, be brave, and focus on the future. This leaves the bereaved person feeling disenfranchised and needlessly isolated and can lead…
Sport & The Environment: Mountain and Winter Sports Tourism in an Era of Climate Change
Climate change is, and will continue, to have profound implications for mountain and snow sports tourism. Highly dependent on climate-sensitive natural resources and landscapes, activities such as skiing, snowmobiling, and mountaineering face challenges, as observed temperature change (mean and extremes) in North America is projected to continue warming, along with strong declines in glaciers and snow…
Canadian Concussion Centre – Zoom Webinar Series –
Join us for the ongoing Canadian Concussion Centre 2022-23 Series for people with persisting concussion symptoms, their families and friends and their healthcare professionals. Sessions begin September 13 and run bi-weekly until December 6. Participants will join by Zoom Webinar and each session will be one hour with 30 minutes for presentation and 30 minutes…
Sport Governance in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities
What does good governance involve? What are the pitfalls unique to sport governance? Who is governing sport? And who governs a board of directors? These are some of the questions dominating the current discourse concerning issues of abuse in Canadian sport. In Episode 19 of Sport, Leadership and Social Change, we will be discussing Sport Governance…
Virtual Sport Leaders Retreat
Due to the demand for customized and sport specific leadership development training for sport leaders, Sport Law will be offering two Virtual Sport Leaders Retreats this fall. Since 2017, dozens of sport leaders have taken this leadership training and have expressed their appreciation for the transformative impact it has had on them personally and professionally….
Coaching Masters athletes: Is age just a number?
There was a time when athletes would reach an age and “hang up the spikes” and retire from competitive sport. But why is this? Does it have to be this way? Join Chris Lemassif, Marvin Johnson, World Masters record holder Karla Del Grande, and Olympian Paul Osland as they provide insights on why clubs should…
The Evolution of Safe Sport in Canada – An Introduction to the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner
A review of the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner and the evolution of independent Safe Sport mechanisms in Canada. Webinar – Wednesday, September 7 at 12 NOON EST – Registration is free. This session will be offered in French on September 13 at 12 NOON EST. The creation of the Office of the Sport…