Physical Activity Guidelines
Fewer than 1 in 5 Canadians meet Canada’s physical activity guidelines, and low-income Canadians are 33% less likely to be active than higher earners. For low-income families, it’s about more than just cost – safety concerns and lack of time also limit physical activity. Are context-specific guidelines the answer?
Active Aging & Men’s Health
In the SIRC blog, researchers discuss how older male adults desired to engage in sport and physical activity with peers, and be supervised by a knowledgeable instructor or coach. This finding is important considering social norms that expect men to be independent and self-reliant.
Event Legacy Strategies
Could a voucher system turn sport event spectators into participants? Learn what researchers from the University of Waterloo, the Mattamy National Cycling Centre and Cycling Canada did to enhance legacies from the hosting of national and international sport events in the SIRC blog. Will these strategies be used at the 2020 UCI World Track Cycling…
Curling Prize Money
This year, for the first time, Curling Canada will award the men’s and women’s national champions the same amount of prize money. This weekend, join the 1.5M active Canadian curlers in celebrating Curling Day in Canada (February 22) and tune in to the final games of the Scotties Tournament of Hearts happening in Moose Jaw,…
Motivational Language
Research shows the type of language used by instructors during group training sessions is important. Cues that focused on function (e.g. “this exercise will help you prevent injuries and build strength”) rather than appearance (e.g. “earn your dream body”) resulted in greater mood and body satisfaction amongst female participants.
Match Grant Recipients
From player recruitment and retention, to leadership development, to effective coach education, SIRC’s Researcher/Practitioner Match Grant recipients will address a range of issues to help achieve gender equality in the Canadian sport system. Learn more about this initiative and all the sport organization/university matches that were supported. Outcomes and key learnings from all projects will…
Physical Literacy & TGfU
Physical literacy has become an important outcome across many educational, sport, and recreation settings in Canada. Research from Brock University finds pedagogical strategies that incorporate a Teaching Games for Understanding approach can support the development of physical literacy among elementary-school-aged youth.
Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting, or eating during a certain time period, has become increasingly popular. Research suggests intermittent fasting may be beneficial for weight loss and cardiometabolic health in sedentary populations, but the effects on training and performance have not been well-studied.
Canadian Olympic Activity Challenge Cards
Looking for ideas to activate your classroom or recreational program this winter? The Winter Olympic Games edition of the Canadian Olympic Activity Challenge Cards features 12 physical activity challenges for the classroom, gymnasium or outside.
Aging, Physical Activity and Men’s Health
Regular, meaningful physical activity provides many benefits for older adults (Bangsbo et al., 2019). However, older men can be a particularly hard-to-reach group when it comes to public health promotion and disease prevention initiatives (Bottorff et al., 2015; Carroll et al., 2014; Smith et al., 2007). In addition to general barriers older adults face (e.g.,…