Pick-up basketball

Playing pick-up sports, ranging from hockey to basketball to soccer, can have a positive impact on players’ wellbeing. In a case study of a weekly pick-up basketball game, researchers found that regular players developed a sense of belonging, community and kinship through their weekly games.

Post-pandemic opportunities

For persons with disabilities, a ‘return to business as usual’ in the sport and physical activity sector post-pandemic isn’t ideal. Instead, members of this community are encouraging sport facilities to use this opportunity to address ongoing accessibility issues. For example, facilities should consider features such as wider doorways or more space between equipment in a…

How early is too early?

Research shows that the accuracy of draft selections in professional sports is poor, and yet many youth sport teams are making selections at increasingly younger ages – with athletes who have yet to fully develop. This begs the question: How early is too early to be making selections in sport?

Traditional games

Traditional games, which incorporate traditional ways and Indigenous values, provide a unique opportunity to enhance the sport experiences of Indigenous youth. In fact, research shows that engaging Indigenous youth in traditional games can promote cultural pride, interaction with elders and connection to the land, as well as physical literacy and fundamental movement skills.

Employment and physical activity

People with physical disabilities have a higher likelihood of employment when they participate in sport and exercise. Physically active employees consistently demonstrate improved health and work-related outcomes, including occupational performance and psychological wellbeing. This highlights the importance of physical activity in elevating qualities that stretch beyond physical fitness.

Motivating individuals with intellectual disabilities

Struggling to keep participants with intellectual and developmental disability and autism spectrum disorder engaged in your exercise program? Research suggests the following motivational and verbal encouragement strategies: use of chants and songs, tapping into their imagination (e.g. competing in a race while on the stationary bike or treadmill), and exercising alongside the participant.


P.R.A.I.S.E. is a tool to help teachers remember the key ingredients for making physical education experiences meaningful and motivational for high school students. The acronym stands for perceived competence, relatedness, autonomy, individuality, social support and enjoyment. Teachers can use these constructs to help increase students’ motivation to participate in physical activity.

Making #HERstory: Girls who play on boys’ teams and supporting the lone girl in sport

Female hockey goalie

On October 7, the Ontario Hockey League (OHL) kicked off its 2021-2022 season. After having a season cut short and another cancelled altogether, this season looks different for the OHL. And it isn’t because of the COVID‑19 pandemic. In June, Taya Currie became the first female athlete drafted to the OHL. Selected in the 14th round by the…

How 2 sports came together to enhance player development in the North

Picture of a male youth hockey team and their coaches

From February 23 to April 4, 2021, in Hay River, Northwest Territories, 7 minor hockey goalies traded in their hockey sticks for table tennis rackets. In an exciting collaboration between Table Tennis North, Table Tennis Canada, Hockey NWT, Hockey North, Hay River Minor Hockey and the Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC), the goalies participated in a 6‑week table…

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