Outdoor Recreation Infographic

Unless you feel ill, spending time outdoors every day, alone or with the people you live with, is an excellent way to take care of your mental and physical health. Tips from the Outdoor Recreation Council of BC to keep ourselves, our communities and our outdoor spaces safe and healthy include staying local, expecting closures,…

What SIRC learned in our first month of working from home

Across Canada, the spread of COVID-19 is forcing us to navigate new ways of working, relaxing, and spending time with family and friends. SIRC had been closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation. On March 13, 2020, CEO Debra Gassewitz implemented SIRC’s Pandemic Response Plan, developed to support risk management and SIRC’s obligation as an employer to…

NWSIS Nutrition Infographic

Are you constantly feeling flat, tired and unmotivated? While stress could be the cause given the current circumstances, this infographic from the New South Wales Institute of Sport provides some other suggestions, including sleep patterns, dietary habits, overtraining and dehydration.

15 At-Home Activities

Meeting the recommended movement guidelines can contribute to the health and wellbeing of you and your family. In this ParticipACTION blog, 15 ways for you & your family to stay active at home, discover activities that you can do in your living room, on the balcony or in the backyard.

The Role of Nutrition in Sub-Concussion Injury Protection

This is the second article in a two-part series about the links between nutrition and sport-related concussion. The first article focused on the role of nutrition in concussion recovery. This article focuses on the potential for nutrition to contribute to sub-concussion injury protection.   Repetitive sub-concussive injuries are the result of repetitive impacts on the head…

Outdoors is Good For Mental Health

Experts from Brock University agree that getting outside is good for your physical and mental health. Being outside and surrounded by trees, flowers and other plants stimulates physiological responses that have a positive effect on your mental health. Whether you’re strolling with the dog or setting a new 10km best time, get outside!

Supporting the Psychological Wellbeing of Athletes: What Can Coaches do?

There has recently been an increasing number of athletes bravely coming forward to share their stories about the psychological distress and associated mental health challenges they experienced during their athletic careers (e.g., Michael Phelps, Gracie Gold, and Demar Derozan). Athletes are not immune to experiencing psychological distress and rates of mental illness among athletes are…

The Benefits of Masters Sport to Healthy Aging

Women playing pickle-ball

Carol LaFayette-Boyd is one of Canada’s rising athletics stars. Notably, LaFayette-Boyd is “rising” to exceptional athletic status at the age of 77 years. Setting a new world age-group record in the W75 200-meter race at the 2019 Canadian Masters Indoor Championships in Edmonton, the Saskatchewan native added to her plethora of age-matched world records and…

Teammates’ Emotions

The way that adolescent athletes deal with teammates’ emotions impacts their own enjoyment and commitment in sport. While competition and comparison among teammates can fuel negative emotions, athletes who compliment and support their teammates can lighten the mood. Learn more in this infographic.


In a great example of the sport community contributing to the fight against COVID-19, hockey equipment manufacturer Bauer modified its production line in Blainville, Quebec to make protective visors for doctors, nurses and first responders.

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