IWD 2020

March 8th is International Women’s Day. This year’s theme, #EachforEqual, highlights the importance of individual action to influence broader social change. The Government of Canada set a target to achieve gender parity in sport at every level by 2035. Consider how you can challenge stereotypes, fight bias, and improve opportunities for girls and women, as participants…

Concussion Awareness in Community Sport

Alignment among grassroots clubs across Canada can be challenging. The Ottawa Sport Council and Sport Manitoba are both addressing concussion awareness at the community sport level. For these mostly volunteer-run organizations, having access to evidence-informed concussion resources is helping to inform coaches and protect athletes.

CPRA Concussion Webinar

In partnership with the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association, SIRC will be delivering a free webinar on February 25, 2020 at 12:00PM ET. Click here to register for Concussion Management: Best practices and lessons from the Canadian sport and recreation system.

Match Grant Recipients

From player recruitment and retention, to leadership development, to effective coach education, SIRC’s Researcher/Practitioner Match Grant recipients will address a range of issues to help achieve gender equality in the Canadian sport system. Learn more about this initiative and all the sport organization/university matches that were supported. Outcomes and key learnings from all projects will…

SIRCTalks Episode #11

In the latest SIRCTalks episode, Building Capacity Through Research, Amreen Kadwa discusses how she used research on inclusivity in sport to support the development of Hijabi Ballers – a community-based organization that celebrates Muslim women and girls in sport. Watch it here.

January Concussion Newsletter

Today is CTE Awareness Day! Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a degenerative brain condition resulting from traumatic brain injuries, including concussions and repeated hits to the head – called subconcussive head impacts. Addressing concussion safety and treatment was identified as a priority in the new Minister of Canadian Heritage Mandate Letter. Learn more in the SIRC…

Data Privacy Day

Today is Data Privacy Day, an international effort to create awareness about the importance of respecting privacy and safeguarding data. In this SIRC blog, Natasha Johnstone, Executive Director of Ringette Canada, shares her organization’s ransomware experience, and provides tips for preventing an attack and responding if your computer network is compromised.

SIRCTalks Episode #10

In the newest SIRCTalks episode, Dr. Nicole LaVoi, Director of The Tucker Center for Research on Girls and Women in Sport, discusses the importance of using data and evidence to facilitate social change. Watch the episode here.

Concussion Education Reaches the Community Sport Level

As awareness of the management and prevention of concussions in sport increases, Canadians have more resources at their fingertips: tools to recognize signs and symptoms, medical assessment letters, sport-specific concussion protocols, and more. Yet even with the proper tools in hand, a gap remains between understanding concussion safety and acting on it – especially at…

Covered Courts Program

What’s one of the most significant barriers to tennis participation in Canada? Winter! Read the SIRCuit to learn how Tennis Canada is supporting municipalities to develop covered courts and increase access to the game.

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