New SIRCTalks Episode
All sports events impact the community in which they are held. In the latest SIRCTalks episode – Managing Sport Events to Maxmize Positive Impacts – University of Waterloo’s Laura Wood discusses how the hosting of non-mega sports events can leave lasting, meaningful and positive impacts on the host community.
Creating Inclusive Workplaces in Sport and Physical Activity
According to the 2017 Canadian Survey on Disability, one in five Canadians (6.2 million) aged 15 years and older experience one or more disabilities that limited them in their daily activities. The Survey also reported that while 59% of working age adults with disabilities are employed, there are significant differences amongst those with mild disabilities…
Crisis Management
Sport organizations across Canada are feeling the impact of COVID-19 with the cancellation of programs and closure of facilities. Following extreme flooding in 2010-2011, community sport organizations in Australia faced a similar dilemma. Key learnings from their experience include 1. Find strength in numbers – continue to nurture relationships, and express gratitude to staff, volunteers…
March Concussion Newsletter
SIRC’s Concussion Newsletter offers up-to-date sport concussion resources for athletes, parent, coaches, and sport organizations. In the March edition, learn about the progression of concussion awareness and education in Canada, discover new resources, and read about the success of Western University’s concussion protocol.
During times of change and crisis, having a Board of Directors comprised of skilled and experienced leaders is essential. From the SIRC archives, read about Volleyball Canada’s customized approach to Board recruitment and succession planning, which involved identifying key skills and experience, creating a skills matrix for current board members, and targeted recruitment strategies.
An Official’s Journey to the FIFA Women’s World Cup
Officials are considered by some to be the unsung heroes of sport, responsible for upholding the rules and intentions of sport. SIRC sat down with Marie-Soleil Beaudoin – Canadian soccer referee and instructor of physiology and biophysics at Dalhousie University – to talk about her journey from the community soccer field to officiating at the…
Engaging Youth in Evaluation Processes
Picture this: it’s the first session of a popular youth sport program at a busy community facility. Dozens of youth are greeting each other, checking out the space, and mingling with coaches on the bleachers. The excitement is palpable as youth move onto the court. Soon the space is filled with the satisfying sounds of…
Spring 2020 SIRCuit
Check out the Spring SIRCuit! This collection of articles, provides timely and relevant research and insights relating to leadership, athlete development, and high performance sport: The Role of Nutrition in Sub-Concussion Injury Protection Engaging Youth in Evaluation Processes An Official’s Journey to the FIFA Women’s World Cup Supporting the Psychological Wellbeing of Athletes: What can Coaches…
In a great example of the sport community contributing to the fight against COVID-19, hockey equipment manufacturer Bauer modified its production line in Blainville, Quebec to make protective visors for doctors, nurses and first responders.
Innovative Strategies Making Concussion Safety the New Normal
When Canada works in harmony towards the same goal, much can happen in a short time. In March 2018, SIRC launched the “We Are Headstrong” campaign. Since that time we’ve seen signs of progress in the attitudes of Canadians toward concussions, and we’ve witnessed significant system changes too. At the 2020 Canadian Sport for Life…