Novel Approach to Concussion Return-to-Play Decisions Based on Canadian Research

New research from Université Laval is setting the stage for quicker return-to-play decisions that satisfy all the necessary player safety protocols by tapping into the expertise of licenced health care providers involved as team therapists. The four-year research project was led by Dr. Pierre Frémont, a practising sport physician and one of Canada’s leading authorities…

Team Norms and Playing Through Injury in Sport

Soccer player injured knee during the game. Sport Doctors provide first aid to player on a professional football field

This blog is the first in a series in collaboration with Queen’s University. As an assignment to build knowledge mobilization skills, Dr. Luc Martin, Associate Professor in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, tasked students in his third year team dynamics course to write a SIRC blog. The top five were submitted to SIRC,…

Football Canada and Concussions

Coaches and officials play an important role in Football Canada’s concussion prevention and management strategy. “Athletes need to know how to perform the skills properly, which means we have to give our coaches the tools to teach those skills and our officials the tools to deal with it effectively in competition.” Learn more in the…

“We Are Headstrong”

Two years ago, SIRC launched the “We Are Headstrong” campaign, supporting a nation-wide discussion about concussion management and prevention. For Throwback Thursday, we reflect back on the importance of a harmonized approach, leveraging the data, and continued learning to changing the sport concussion landscape in Canada.

Football Makes Bold Pivot

American football on field with goal post in background.

Football in Canada is enjoying a resurgence at a time when public angst over concussions in sport has never been greater. While most sports grapple with ever-more-worrisome trends – declining participation and increasing concerns over athlete safety – football is flourishing, especially at the youngest age groups. There’s no razzle dazzle here. The people behind…

Nutrition for Concussion Prevention

Discussion about concussion prevention and management typically focuses on changes to policies and practices, recognizing the signs and symptoms, and strict return to play protocols. But what about nutrition? Check out the two-part series on the role of nutrition in concussion protection and recovery in the SIRCuit.

March Concussion Newsletter

SIRC’s Concussion Newsletter offers up-to-date sport concussion resources for athletes, parent, coaches, and sport organizations. In the March edition, learn about the progression of concussion awareness and education in Canada, discover new resources, and read about the success of Western University’s concussion protocol.

The Role of Nutrition in Sub-Concussion Injury Protection

This is the second article in a two-part series about the links between nutrition and sport-related concussion. The first article focused on the role of nutrition in concussion recovery. This article focuses on the potential for nutrition to contribute to sub-concussion injury protection.   Repetitive sub-concussive injuries are the result of repetitive impacts on the head…

Spring 2020 SIRCuit

Check out the Spring SIRCuit! This collection of articles, provides timely and relevant research and insights relating to leadership, athlete development, and high performance sport: The Role of Nutrition in Sub-Concussion Injury Protection Engaging Youth in Evaluation Processes An Official’s Journey to the FIFA Women’s World Cup Supporting the Psychological Wellbeing of Athletes: What can Coaches…

Innovative Strategies Making Concussion Safety the New Normal

When Canada works in harmony towards the same goal, much can happen in a short time. In March 2018, SIRC launched the “We Are Headstrong” campaign. Since that time we’ve seen signs of progress in the attitudes of Canadians toward concussions, and we’ve witnessed significant system changes too. At the 2020 Canadian Sport for Life…

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