The epidemiology of concussions: Number and nature of concussions and time to recovery among female and male Canadian varsity athletes 2008 to 2011
Sport North Federation & SIRC WebinarConcussions – What coaches & their teams need to know
Scoping Review of the Characteristics, Outcomes, and Sex/Gender Considerations of Community-Based Physical Activity Interventions for Individuals with Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Canada’s Concussion Roadmap
CFRA “Experts on Call”: The Importance of Research and How Sport Organizations Can Use Data
Panel: Data Collection in Sport and How to Get Started
Physical activity and recovery from sport-related concussion
Imagine you’re on the field, adrenaline pumping, and ready to give your all. Suddenly, a collision occurs, and everything changes in an instant. This is the reality of a sport-related concussion, which many athletes know all too well. A sport-related concussion is a brain injury that happens when a blow to the head or body…