Pick-up basketball
Playing pick-up sports, ranging from hockey to basketball to soccer, can have a positive impact on players’ wellbeing. In a case study of a weekly pick-up basketball game, researchers found that regular players developed a sense of belonging, community and kinship through their weekly games.
Post-pandemic opportunities
For persons with disabilities, a ‘return to business as usual’ in the sport and physical activity sector post-pandemic isn’t ideal. Instead, members of this community are encouraging sport facilities to use this opportunity to address ongoing accessibility issues. For example, facilities should consider features such as wider doorways or more space between equipment in a…
Parental stress
Girls aged 5 to 7 years old with at least one parent that reports high stress levels are less active than girls with parents who report lower stress levels, research shows. Providing parents with resources to help manage their stress and develop effective coping skills may help to promote their daughters’ physical activity engagement.
Incidence of RED-S amongst athletes
Athletes competing in sports that are aesthetically judged, body-weight dependent, and weight classed, are considered at high risk of developing relative energy deficiency (RED-S). However, research shows RED-S is still a concern for athletes in any sport, and can occur at any competitive level.
Students’ heart health
Students who spend more time at school with longer recess breaks have higher cardiorespiratory fitness than students who have shorter school days, according to new research. This finding suggests that schools are important settings for the development of long-term fitness and heart health, and that recess is a critical part of the school day!
P.R.A.I.S.E. is a tool to help teachers remember the key ingredients for making physical education experiences meaningful and motivational for high school students. The acronym stands for perceived competence, relatedness, autonomy, individuality, social support and enjoyment. Teachers can use these constructs to help increase students’ motivation to participate in physical activity.
Fighting bone density decline
Bone mineral density naturally declines as adults age, especially among women. To combat age-related decline and reduce fracture risk, research shows that weight training, combined cardio and weight training, and exercise regimens that use machines to transfer vibrations to the human body can promote increased bone density in older women.
Sleep hygiene
Are you getting enough sleep? The Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines recommend that adults get at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Practicing good sleep hygiene, such as participating in regular exercise, and maintaining a regular bedtime and waketime, can help you get a good night’s sleep.
How biological sex and gender affect concussion risk and management

Highlights Concussion recovery depends on many factors, including biological factors (for example, anatomy) and gender-based factors (for example, societal norms in sport). Research shows that female athletes have a higher risk of concussion than male athletes, male and female athletes experience concussions in different ways, and female athletes may take longer than male athletes to…
Slower together
If you walk with your spouse or partner for exercise, you might want to speed up. Or tell them to. A new study that examined the walking times and gait speeds of 72 couples showed that couples often decreased their speed when walking together. To maximize health benefits, experts encourage couples to walk together at…