Sport participation in Canada: Evaluating measurements, and testing determinants of increased participation
Bidding & Hosting Sport Events 101
Mini-Series: Mastering The Art of Evaluation — Part 1: Partnering for Impact
Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport, v6.0 (2022)
Towards the development of an online athlete leadership training program
SCRI Keynote: Punching above our weight
Rural children and their communities leading the way toward the enhancement of sports and recreation
The purpose of the study was to engage rural preadolescent children in the development of research questions that are relevant and meaningful to exploring their participation and commitment to sport and other recreational activities. The three objectives were 1) To understand the children’s experience in participation of sport, 2) To discover from the children’s perspective,…
Quality participation in Parasport: A narrative perspective

Project summary The benefits of participation in parasport are widely recognized. In order to achieve these benefits, we need to understand how athletes think about quality experiences in parasport, and how to foster these quality experiences in a parasport context. As such, this study had two main objectives: (1) to explore what quality participation means…
The impact of energy crises on sport accessibility
Energy crises are further impacting the affordability and accessibility of sport. A coalition of nearly 200 sport bodies, health organizations and athletes in the UK has pressed for additional support to pools, gyms and other sporting facilities. These facilities face a reduction of services or even closure due to rising energy costs.
Mental health supports for NSOs
You don’t necessarily need a sport-specific mental health strategy or specialized staff to make an impact in the mental health space. Consistently and frequently communicating to athletes, coaches and support staff what mental health supports are available at no cost or subsidized cost, such as Game Plan or Lifeworks, is an easy and cheap place…