Policy and program considerations for increasing sport participation among members of under-represented groups in Canada (2016) – Executive Summary
Youth Hockey and Physical Literacy: observation of a cohort of novice players
Co-creating, implementing, and evaluating a community-based peer-run physical activity program to enhance sport and exercise participation for adults with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury
Microbiota and athletic performance
Trillions of microorganisms, known as microbiota, live inside our digestive tract and regulate key aspects of health and disease. Recently, a connection between the gut microbiota and physical activity has been discovered. Research now shows that these microorganisms may be leveraged to enhance athlete performance, in particular endurance.
Adjusting coaching to suit athlete attachment styles
The relationship between coach and athlete can make or break an athlete’s experience. Recent research shows that understanding an athlete’s attachment style can help coaches tailor aspects of their communication and behaviour to best suit the athlete’s needs.
Why early childhood educators are key to developing children’s physical literacy

Early childhood is the foundational stage for developing physical literacy (motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding) needed to participate in sport and other physical activities throughout life (Whitehead, 2013). During early childhood, children are developing the foundational skills that can develop into sport and activity-specific skills (Barnett et coll., 2016; Robinson et coll., 2015)….
Assessments in physical education
Physical education (PE) can play an important role in promoting activity and lifelong sport participation amongst youth. However, there is debate regarding how teachers should best assess students in PE. This study explores students’ attitudes towards different areas related to assessment in PE, including curriculum, grading, teachers, and fitness testing.
Fitness apps and activity trackers promote activity
Mobile apps and fitness trackers are a convenient way to monitor activity, set personalized activity goals and receive feedback on your activity levels. Fitness apps and activity trackers encourage better activity habits; for example, researchers found that those who use apps and trackers take approximately 1850 more steps per day, which is equal to just…
Physical literacy for engaging youth post-pandemic
Providing evidence-based sport and physical activity opportunities that intentionally support the development of physical literacy can help youth rebound from the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Activities that are fun, challenging yet accomplishable, and that spark creativity in movement welcome youth back to the playing field and hold promise for keeping them engaged in…
Motivation to move
Physical activity remains low and sedentary behaviours remain high despite increased awareness of the importance of sport and exercise for health. A recent study examined how motivation to engage in physical activity varies across the day. Researchers found that motivation to exercise fluctuates in a manner similar to a circadian rhythm.