Addressing gender inequities in Canadian university coaching

Over the last 50 years, significant progress has been made in access and opportunities for girls and women to participate at all levels of sport in Canada. Despite this progress, the number of women in coaching remains alarmingly low (Banwell et al., 2019; Burton, 2019; Serpell et al., 2023). This is particularly true in the…

Cultural competence in sports psychology

A recent global study shows that sports psychology professionals must prioritize cultural competence beyond a checklist, considering it an ethical duty for effective practice. The research highlights the need to actively develop this competence through learning from mistakes and open conversations, grounding it in personal and professional experiences for meaningful cultural understanding.

KidsAction Coaching

KidsAction Coaching is an evidence-based coaching approach developed by researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC) to support the development of children with neurodevelopmental or intellectual disability (NDD). KidsAction offers free resources and tools to community-based coaches, organizations and families to make physical activity more accessible and enjoyable for all children, of all abilities….

Safer spaces for Black women coaches

Creating safer spaces to promote belonging and community, particularly among Black women, helps address feelings of isolation and otherness. Offering opportunities for knowledge exchange can prevent the loss of notable talent and stimulate peak performance and retention. Safer spaces, sponsorships and platforms for dialogue all help promote diverse and equitable coaching spaces.

Fostering strong coach-athlete relationships in university sports

University sports’ coach-athlete relationships are complex, with short seasons intensifying the challenge. Based on research findings, coaches should prioritize closeness, encourage trust through vulnerability, clarify commitment expectations, enhance communication, and ensure alignment with their coaching philosophy. Addressing the complexity and power dynamics can help create inclusivity and foster effective and stronger bonds.

Building capacity for female leaders

Women are often underrepresented in leadership roles in sports. As such, there is a need to build organizational capacity for women leaders. Researchers suggest that some best practices for organizations include creating family-friendly activities that encourage women to become more involved in an organization and partnering with external organizations to bring new women and girls…

Spreading wellbeing among team members

Understanding the dynamics between athletes, coaches, and support personnel is important. This study was among the first to explore these relationships and how they impact wellbeing. Shared values and the ability to cope with challenges were factors that we found to boost wellbeing. The study also reveals how wellbeing can spread among team members through…

Protecting Athletes from Burnout

Athletes who experience strong support and a sense of belonging within their team are less likely to burnout. Coaches should encourage this sense of belonging to enrich athletes’ experiences and prevent dropout. However, too many team rules can burden athletes, impede support, and exacerbate burnout. Striking the right balance between team unity and support is…

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