Is massage effective for exercise recovery?

Close up of massage therapist treating athlete's quadricep.

For most coaches, trainers, and athletes, massage is an integral part of a training and competition program. Sports massage can be used to improve athletic performance, speed recovery, and can be used by all individuals, professional or recreational athletes, to help improve conditioning and maintain peak performance. What is sport massage? Sports massage is the…

Match Point: Treating and Preventing Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is a very common sport related injury. Despite its name the injury can occur in a number of different sports. While usually a fairly minor injury, the resulting pain, discomfort, and potential weakness can prevent a person from participating in their activity of choice. Thankfully if the individual is knowledgeable, tennis elbow can…

Response and Adaptation To Training and Exercise

When getting back to the grind after a good break from a long season, or when at the beginning of a new training or exercise routine, the body usually feels sore. For seasoned veterans, early season training feels very challenging; lets face it, getting back into shape can feel like a daunting task. For those…

Stretching It Out

Many people make the assumption that stretching and warming up are pretty much the same thing, when in fact they are quite different. Warming up is the preparation of your body for the demands of the physical activity you have planned, whereas stretching is focused on specific areas that are tight and require loosening. While…

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