The Operationalizing Intersectionality Framework: A Tool for Sport Administrators

Diverse workplace doing a hand stack at a meeting

Equity work often “lets some others join” but still centers on the needs of the most privileged members in a group. To better integrate the experiences and perspectives of diverse individuals, intersectional approaches to policies, programs, and practices—which account for the multiple, overlapping systems of oppression some individuals face­—are vital. E-Alliance, the national gender+ equity…

Happy New Year

Welcome to 2021! The SIRC team is looking forward to an exciting year of keeping you informed with the latest news, research, and jobs from the sport community across Canada. Be sure to follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. In case you missed it, be sure to check out our Looking Back – 2020…

Effective infographics

The Valley Female Leadership Network in Nova Scotia created an infographic to help make case for investment in girls and women’s participation and leadership in sport and physical activity. Reflecting on their experience, they advise: “You may find you have too much information but that’s okay, you can always create more than one infographic!” Learn…

Influencing Gender Equity through an Infographic

Girls in sports soccer team outdoors. Female physical education class on sports grass field. Young football players of female youth sports team

On the 2019 International Day of the Girl, the Valley Female Leadership Network (VFLN), in Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley, posted an infographic on the status of girls and women’s participation and leadership in sport and recreation. The infographic was shared across the country, but most importantly used by the VFLN and their stakeholders as a…

Community of Practice

A community of practice (CoP) is a “group of people who share a concern, a set of problems, or a passion about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise by interacting on an ongoing basis.” The newest article in the Canadian Journal for Women in Coaching examines the Alberta Women in Sport Leadership…

IWD 2020

March 8th is International Women’s Day. This year’s theme, #EachforEqual, highlights the importance of individual action to influence broader social change. The Government of Canada set a target to achieve gender parity in sport at every level by 2035. Consider how you can challenge stereotypes, fight bias, and improve opportunities for girls and women, as participants…

Match Grant Recipients

From player recruitment and retention, to leadership development, to effective coach education, SIRC’s Researcher/Practitioner Match Grant recipients will address a range of issues to help achieve gender equality in the Canadian sport system. Learn more about this initiative and all the sport organization/university matches that were supported. Outcomes and key learnings from all projects will…

SIRCTalks Episode #10

In the newest SIRCTalks episode, Dr. Nicole LaVoi, Director of The Tucker Center for Research on Girls and Women in Sport, discusses the importance of using data and evidence to facilitate social change. Watch the episode here.

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