Problem-solving Past a Tough Run

Spring has finally arrived and avid runners are signing up for races, lacing up their shoes, hitting the great outdoors and setting their goals. With the eagerness that comes with sunshine and warmer temperatures, having a workout where nothing seems to go right can sometimes take a bite out of your confidence. There are many…

Sleep and Athletes: Is there a Magic Number?

Although conventional wisdom suggests that athletes need at least eight hours of sleep each night, quantity is not the only parameter that promotes athletic success. Most of us believe that we need a set number of hours of sleep and that seven or eight hours a night is a prerequisite for health and well-being. And…

How do you get out of a Performance Slump?

Unexplained performance slumps can be extremely frustrating for athletes and can be caused by any number of reasons, physical or mental.  Sport psychologists agree that these declines are just par for the course in competitive sport but that doesn’t make them any less difficult to overcome. What are the causes? If you’ve effectively ruled out…

Are compression garments effective for exercise recovery?

The use of compression garments has become increasingly popular in recent years, mostly in a post-exercise role where compression tights, arm sleeves, socks and boots are used as a means to speed up recovery.  Types of compression garments vary where they can be worn via the upper, lower or full-body and are generally made from…

Want to have a good quality sleep? Try Exercise!

Poor sleep quality is a common issue for many people, in fact, one in four people experience sleep difficulties. This includes trouble falling or staying asleep, early morning waking, sleeping too much, or experiencing a restless sleep. Experts agree that regular exercise helps improve sleep quality but recent studies suggest that the combination of sleep…

Exercise Associated Muscle Cramping

Muscle cramps are a common occurrence in sports and numerous other physical activities, where even highly fit athletes can experience slight to very painful muscle spasms.  Any muscle can be affected but it commonly occurs to the legs, for athletes this can be debilitating and require some time off from training and competition. Theories are…

Three Key Training Elements for Masters Athletes

Masters athletes is a term that encompasses a wide range of active men and women over 35 who compete in sports at a very high level; they can range from the weekend warrior to elite competitor. Baby boomers are a large part of the growing number of older adults who are either picking up a…

Sleep: Why is it important during the teen years?

Getting quality sleep is as important to our health and well-being as eating properly and maintaining regular exercise. It is recommended that adolescents’ ages 12 to 18 years get 9 to 10 hours daily; however, teens do not seem to get the appropriate amount due to academic pressures, part-time jobs and extra curricular activities. Add…

Post-Exercise Nutrition

Post-exercise nutrition should be an important goal that is placed at the top of any serious athletes training priorities. After an intense training session, your body will be sorely lacking the energy and nutrients it needs to recover. While we workout we burn through our body’s energy stores and cause micro tears in our muscle…

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