Spring 2019 Host Applications

Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity & Recreation Council – I·SPARC (The Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity & Recreation Council) invites First Nations, Métis Chartered Communities, Friendship Centres and other not-for-profit organizations serving Indigenous youth from across the province to apply to host a Sport Development Camp, Coaching Certification Course, and/or Officials Training Session in their community/organization.  

These sport camps or courses are community-based programs and can range from 1-2 day events up to multi-week sessions.

Each of our Regional Committees have identified priority sports for their respective region (listed in the application), and these priority sports serve as the focal point for region-wide sport development in the areas of youth sport camps, and coaching/officials development.  Note:  Requests for sport development activities not included on the regional list of priority sports are welcome and the Regional Coordinating Group will consider these requests during the application review and selection process.

Once applications are approved, the Regional Sport & Physical Activity Coordinator will work with the host community/organization representative to plan and deliver the event(s).


  • Appoint representative as primary contact between the Regional Coordinator & Camp/Clinic Facilitator
  • Consider inviting local Elder/Knowledge Keeper to open or close your camp (honorarium available)
  • Promote the event within surrounding communities (e.g. circulate and post event posters)
  • Collect the online registrations and have registrations forms available at your event when permitted
  • Ensure all necessary equipment (e.g. audio visual, sports gear, cones, tables, chairs etc.)
  • Ensure appropriate emergency plan (identify first aid plan, local EMS, and have contact info ready)
  • Check-in all participants and have representative on-site at event
  • Provide final participation list as part of final event summary
  • MUST fill out an on-line post-event summary (within 7 days of event)
  • MUST provide all invoices to the Regional Coordinator (within 14 days of the event)
for program delivery dates of APRIL 1  to JUNE 30, 2019.  

Fraser Regional Coordinator
Alana Cook


Northeast Regional Coordinator
Veronica Haddon

Vancouver Island Regional Coordinator
Lise Gillies

Interior Regional Coordinator
Michelle Webster

Northwest Regional Coordinator
Toni Muldoe

Vancouver Coastal Regional Coordinator
Pete Natrall

Background – Provincial Strategy

I·SPARC’s Provincial Strategy takes a youth-centered approach, inspired by the BC Aboriginal Youth Sport and Recreation Declaration established during the 2008 Gathering Our Voices youth conference.

As the fastest growing population in Canada, Indigenous youth represent the future for our communities. Through sport, physical activity and recreation, youth gain an understanding of the benefits of living healthy, active lifestyles. They develop enhanced self-esteem, self-confidence and life skills that translate into positive life choices.

By supporting and encouraging physically active communities and by expanding access to sport and recreation opportunities, I·SPARC aims to improve the health outcomes and positively impact the well-being of Indigenous communities across British Columbia.

I·SPARC’s regional model provides a structure to deliver programs and services at the community level. Its strength lies in the cultural approach to opportunities and ownership within each region for programming decisions on priority sport and physical activity opportunities.

Learn more about our Provincial Strategy and Regional Structure at http:/

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