Sport Manitoba – Winnipeg, MB – To celebrate Manitoba’s 150th birthday next year, Sport Manitoba is teaming up with author Sean Grassie to create a book featuring 150 iconic Manitoba sport stories to raise money for the KidSport Manitoba charity.
“This is an incredible opportunity to involve Manitobans in a project that captures the spirit of sport in our province,” said Jeff Hnatiuk, President & CEO at Sport Manitoba. “Not only will this book allow Manitobans to learn about and reflect upon our amazing sport heritage, but the money raised will also help give children across the province the chance to get off the sidelines and experience the joy of sport.”
The book will be titled Iconic Stories from 150 Years of Sport in Manitoba, with all proceeds being donated to KidSport Manitoba. The project is being funded through a grant from the 2017 Canada Summer Games Legacy Fund.
“In recognition of this significant milestone for the province of Manitoba, this project is an inspiring and uplifting way of giving back to our communities,” said Helga Van Iderstine, Chair of the Trustees of the 2017 Canada Summer Games Legacy Fund. “These stories will be something that can be passed on from generation to generation, enriching the lives of Manitobans today and in the future.”
Story suggestions are now being accepted for submission from the public on the KidSport website, and the final list of 150 stories will be chosen by the following Story Selection Panel:
- Jim Bender, Terry Frey and Judy Owen of the Manitoba Sportswriters and Sportscasters Association;
- Rick Brownlee, Sport Heritage Manager for Sport Manitoba; and
- Sean Grassie, Author
“Giving a voice to Manitoba athletes, coaches, or anyone whose lives have been impacted by sport, is important and a fantastic way to acknowledge Manitoba’s 150th birthday,” said Terry Frey, President of the Manitoba Sportswriters and Sportscasters Association. “We are very excited to share this with the rest of the province.”
The book will be available to purchase for $20.20 beginning in December 2019 and right through the 2020 calendar year.
Sport Manitoba President & CEO Jeff Hnatiuk and author Sean Grassie are available for interviews.
For more information about KidSport, please visit
KidSport is a national charity administered in Manitoba by Sport Manitoba which provides support to children in order to remove financial barriers that prevent them from playing organized sport. KidSport believes that no kid should be left on the sidelines and should all be given the opportunity to experience the positive benefits of organized sports.
Sport Manitoba is a not-for-profit organization and the lead planning, programming, and funding agency for the development of amateur sport in Manitoba. Located in the Canada Games Sport for Life Centre, Sport Manitoba partners with over 100 organizations to deliver sport in our province and is responsible for programs including the Manitoba Games powered by Manitoba Hydro, Coaching Manitoba, Team Manitoba, Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame, Fit Kids Healthy Kids and KidSport. Services provided include the Sport Medicine Clinic, Sport Performance Centre and the Paul Robson Resource Centre for Leadership and Coaching.
For more information please contact:
Sam Cortes | Communications Coordinator at Sport Manitoba
P: 204.925.5614
C: 204.290.7630
Sean Grassie | Author
C: 204.250.3873