Softball Canada Announces 2024 Men’s National Team Athlete Pool

Ottawa, Ont. – Softball Canada is pleased to announce the list of thirty-six (36) athletes who have been named to the 2024 Men’s National Team Athlete Pool. The list was put together by the returning coaching staff consisting of head coach John Stuart (Merritt, B.C.) and assistant coaches Doug Allin (Peachland, B.C.), Jeff Ellsworth (St. Lawrence, P.E.I.) and Les Howey (Conception Bay, N.L.).
“The coaching staff is very happy to announce the group of athletes currently in consideration for a spot on our World Cup Group Stage team” said head coach John Stuart. “We have a strong group of athletes with World Cup experience who are highly motivated to compete on home soil, and many other players are knocking on the door looking to earn their spot. We’re very excited about the high level of play these athletes showed this year and the current depth of our Men’s National Team program.”
The Athlete Pool includes fourteen (14) players who won the silver medal at the 2022 Men’s World Cup, an additional five (5) with previous Men’s World Cup experience, and six (6) members from the 2023 U23 Men’s World Cup Team.
The Canadian Men’s National Team won the silver medal at the 2022 WBSC Men’s Softball World Cup in Auckland, New Zealand one year ago.
Canada will host a six-team WBSC Men’s World Cup Group Stage in Prince Albert, Sask. from July 10-14, 2024. The United States will host another Group Stage in Oklahoma City, Okla. from September 17-21, and a third group stage will be announced at a later date. The top two teams from each Group Stage and two wild card teams (including host Canada if they do not finish top two) will advance to the 2025 WBSC Men’s World Cup Finals that will be held July 8-13 in Prince Albert, Sask.

The athletes who have been named to the 2024 Men’s National Team Athlete Pool are:

BryanAbreyRichmond, B.C.
BraydenArcandMorinville, Alta.
KeaganArcandMorinville, Alta.
DennyBensonRama First Nation, Ont.
RyanBolandSt. John’s, N.L
ShaneBolandSt. John’s, N.L
QuintenBruceGrand Valley, Ont.
PatrickBurnsSaskatoon, Sask.
SeanClearyHarbour Main, N.L
BradleyEzekielHarbour Main, N.L
KyleEzekielHolyrood, N.L
BrandonHornWaterloo, Ont.
JordanHudsonSaskatoon, Sask.
BlakeHunterNanaimo, B.C.
DerekHydeTavistock, Ont.
CoryJonesLeduc, Alta.
TravisJonesNeyaashiinigmiing, Ont.
CalebKeeshigPort Elgin, Ont.
DallasKipferBreslau, Ont.
JustinLaskowskiWarman, Sask.
JeffLyonsAppin, Ont.
RileyManionNapanee, Ont.
DevonMcCulloughSaskatoon, Sask.
MasonMcKayTavistock, Ont.
ScottNehajMaple Ridge, B.C.
TylerPauliMitchell, Ont.
ZachPierceSaskatoon, Sask.
JordanPomeroyPlacentia, N.L
TylerRandersonNew Hamburg, Ont.
MathieuRoySt-Gervais, Que,
JustinSchofieldGrand Pré, N.S.
TySebastianBrussels, Ont.
BlakeUnderwoodPort Elgin, Ont.
ColinWalshPetty Harbour, N.L
KrisWalushkaVictoria, B.C.
ReeseYantziShakespeare, Ont.

BOLD = Members of 2022 WBSC World Cup Team

Athletes named to the Men’s National Team Athlete Pool are eligible to be invited to Men’s National Team training, development, and selection camps. Athletes may be added or removed from the National Team Athlete Pool at any time at the coaching staff’s discretion.


For more information, please contact:
Gilles LeBlanc
Manager – Operations
Softball Canada
m: (613) 795-1996
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