From mixed ability sport to anti-racist practices these resources help promote inclusion and welcoming sport environments. Explore key topics pertaining to gender equity, disability sport, new Canadians, and more in the resources below.
Inclusion quick links

Anti Racism
Anti-racism is the active effort to identify and eliminate racism by transforming systems, policies, and attitudes to ensure equitable distribution of power. Explore how all sport participants can support racial equity in sport through allyship and how sport organizations can reduce barriers to participation. Our resources provide actionable insights to address racism.Â

athletes with a disability
Sport can be adapted and recreated to create positive experiences for athletes with a disability in many forms, including parasport, mixed ability sport, and more. Explore resources and tools about how sport can be transformed to remove barriers to participation for athletes with disabilities. Our resources provide the latest research and tools to support sport for all abilities.

Gender Equity
Gender equity in sport refers to creating inclusive and welcoming sport environments for women, non-binary, and transgender participants. Explore how sport organizations can further gender equity through policies and processes as well as having leaders set a positive example. Our resources provide tools and information to create positive sport experiences for all genders.

Newcomers to Canada
Canada warmly welcomes immigrants, refugees, and permanent residents from around the world. Explore the positive impact of involving newcomers and discover strategies for their effective inclusion in sport. Our resources provide tools and stories of success in welcoming new Canadians to the field of play.

Featured resource
Inclusion in Canadian Sports Network

Featured resource
SIRC and Canadian Women & Sport