What does good governance involve? What are the pitfalls unique to sport governance? Who is governing sport? And who governs a board of directors? These are some of the questions dominating the current discourse concerning issues of abuse in Canadian sport.
In Episode 19 of Sport, Leadership and Social Change, we will be discussing Sport Governance with webinar host Dr. Jennifer Walinga alongside Rose Mercier, certified board consultant with The Governance Coach. Personally trained in the theory and implementation of Policy Governance by John and Miriam Carver at the Policy Governance® Academy, and multi-credentialed, Rose is a Governance Systems Professional® and coach to boards implementing policy governance including non-profit organizations, public agencies and national sport governing bodies. A former National Sport Organization CEO herself, Rose brings direct insight into the Canadian sport environment as well as over 25 years experience in management, program development, and leadership training in non-profit organizations.