Led by Dr. Chantale Lussier, PhD, Mental Performance Consultant, Founder & CEO, Elysian Insight
Wednesday, November 18, 2020, 1 – 2:00 p.m. ET.
About the Webinar
Those working in sport often experience a double-edge sword. Leaders, coaches, and other staff often gravitate to these roles because we value being of service and athlete-centered in our daily operations. On the flip side, we often neglect our own mental wellness as high performers ourselves.
The purpose of this workshop is two-fold:
- to explore mental wellness considerations as they apply to you as a high performer at work, rest, and play; and
- to discover how to optimally integrate mental health literacy, mental skills training, and mental performance consulting across our sporting ecosystems.
About the Speaker
Proven game changer in mental health literacy, mental skills training, & optimal mental performance. Architect of sustainable excellence. Disruptor, innovator, team player. Dr. Lussier is the Founder and CEO of Elysian Insight, a company dedicated to mental performance solutions. A highly sought after specialist in her field, and Professional Member for the Canadian Sport Psychology Association (CSPA) and the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP), Chantale has worked with hundreds of nationally and internationally-ranked competitive, elite, and pro athletes (NHL, CFL, NFL), as well as military service men and women, and emergency services professionals (police, fire, first responders, etc).
As a kidney cancer survivor, Chantale utilized her mental skills set to support her healing journey back to wellness. Her personal motto is Less Kidney, More Heart, and informs both her professional and personal outlook in life. She is passionate about enhancing mental health literacy, striving for optimal mental performance, supporting healthy transitions, and fostering a culture of sustainable excellence. Knowledgeable and innovative, she has been called a “game changer” by her clients. She brings a level of care, dedication, and loyalty that is unmatched in the industry. For more info: www.elysianinsight.ca