Menopause and Exercise

Menopause is different for every woman. Postmenopausal weight gain

Physical activity is typically catagorized into three intensity levels: low, moderate, and vigorous.

  • Low-intensity – an example would be going for a walk where your breathing doesn’t increase beyond normal levels.
  • Moderate-intensity – involves any activity where you are breathing somewhat harder than normal. A recent study concluded that women who participated in moderate exercise were twice as energized and confident.
  • High-intensity – Breathing is much harder than normal and speaking would be difficult.

Weight-bearing exercises tended to show better results regarding weight loss and bone mineral density.

During menopause the need for physical activity is important, not just to alleviate symptoms, but because it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes and obesity. Physical activity for middle-aged women can improve brain function, muscle strength, balance, and relief from psychological symptoms like anxiety and depression.

References from the SIRC Collection:

1. Bushman B. Wouldn’t You Like to Know. Menopause and Exercise. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal. May 2013;17(3):4-7.
2. Leite R, Prestes J, Pereira G, Shiguemoto G, Perez S. Menopause: Highlighting the Effects of Resistance Training. International Journal Of Sports Medicine. November 2010;31(11):761-767.
3. Luque M. TRAINING THROUGH THE TRANSITION. IDEA Fitness Journal. November 2012;9(10):40-47.
4. Miszko T, Cress M. A lifetime of fitness: exercise in the perimenopausal and postmenopausal woman. / Garder toute sa vie une bonne condition physique: l ‘ exercice physique chez la femme autour de la menopause et apres la menopause. Clinics In Sports Medicine. April 2000;19(2):215-232.
5. Perez K, Garber C. EXERCISE PRESCRIPTION FOR THE MENOPAUSAL YEARS: Promoting and Enhancing Well-Being. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal. May 2011;15(3):8-14.
6. Poyatos M, Abellán M. Training in a shallow pool: Its effect on upper extremity strength and total body weight in postmenopausal women. International Sportmed Journal. March 2011;12(1):17-29.
7. Schoenfeld B. Resistance Training for Postmenopausal Women. NSCA’s Performance Training Journal. February 2012;11(1):6-9.
8. Soothing moves for the menopause blues. Health (Time Inc.). November 2008;22(9):181-184.

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