Request for Proposals

Fédération de la jeunesse canadienne-française – 1. BACKGROUND

The Fédération de la jeunesse canadienne-française (FJCF) is a not-for-profit organization that firmly believes in the “by youth, for youth” principle. As national spokesperson and only organization of its kind, it represents Frenchspeaking youth aged 14 to 25. It fosters a spirit of dialogue through which youth stand up and claim their place.

Through its actions, the FJCF looks to make life better for youth on many levels.

The FJCF spearheads activities and initiatives on a national scale along with its associate members in nine provinces and two territories working in the youth field. Along with its members, it caters to the needs of French-Canadian youth.

One of these activities is the 8th edition of the Canadian Francophone Games (Jeux de la francophonie canadienne -JeuxFC), which will be held in the Victoria area in July 2020. The JeuxFC are made possible thanks to a contribution from the government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage and the collaboration of a local organizing committee who handles all logistical and programming aspects.

This event, which celebrates French-speaking youth across Canada, mainly aims to bring together over 1,200 participants in a fun environment of healthy competition. With this event, the FJCF seeks to provide an opportunity for youth to take part in a national event held entirely in French, thereby contributing to identity building among the country’s youth.

The FJCF is responsible for ensuring national transportation for all provincial and territorial delegations towards the host city of the JeuxFC, as well as transportation for officials coming in from outside the host province or territory.

Each delegation must determine a central starting point within the province or territory, from which point the FJCF takes on responsibility for the entire delegation until their arrival in Victoria. Transportation for officials is usually handled on a case-by-case basis.

The FJCF therefore seeks to retain the services of a company to partner with in carrying out national transportation for the JeuxFC.

• Identify the most cost-effective means of transportation, according to the needs and specific conditions for each delegation.

• Respect and maximize the FJCF’s budget by negotiating competitive prices, as well as special accommodations for luggage and printing plane tickets.

• Make sure all teams arrive in Victoria on Monday, July 13, 2020 (ideally by early evening at the latest) and leave on Sunday, July 19, 2020.
o Assist the FJCF and the delegations in case of flight cancellations, delays or other disruptions to the scheduled flights.

• Offer schedules and transportation itineraries to ensure that the members of each delegation have a fair transportation time from one delegation to the next and arrive relatively fresh and well-rested to take part in the JeuxFC (estimated numbers):

o By plane: Manitoba from Winnipeg (123 people), Prince Edward Island from Charlottetown (85 people), New Brunswick (123 people), Nova Scotia from Halifax (90 people), Nunavut from Iqaluit (5 people), Ontario from Ottawa (123 people), Quebec from Montreal (123 people), Saskatchewan from Saskatoon (123 people), Northwest Territories from Yellowknife (60 people), Newfoundland & Labrador from St John’s (75 people) and Yukon from Whitehorse (50 people); § Given the size of the Moncton airport, it may make more sense for some teams to fly from Halifax instead. In that case, the FJCF prefers that all members of a same team fly out of the same destination. Also, the furthest delegations will be prioritized for flights out of Moncton, to cut down on their travel time;

o By bus: Alberta from Edmonton (123 people) and British Columbia from across the province (90 people).

• Ensure constant communication with the FJCF and allow the FJCF to confirm the names on the passenger lists for flights, as close as possible to the actual dates of the JeuxFC, the deadline for registration being May 1, 2020 (delegations have until May 30, 2020, to confirm the names of the members in their delegation).
• Provide arrival and departure lists that are easy to consult and easy to use.

o If conditions allow, suggest a simple process to allow participants to extend their stay in the area. Theywould be responsible for any fees resulting from a change in their flight plans (change on the way back only).

• Please note:
o Local transportation from the Victoria airport to the JeuxFC sites is taken care of by the Organizing Committee;
o Delegations travelling by bus usually manage their travel arrangements, but we would like to know if you have the ability to assist us in this process (reservations and management).

The potential partner company must:
• Demonstrate its abilities and recognized experience in organizing group transportation;
• Respect tight deadlines and be able to manage the unforeseen events that often arise when large groups
require travel;
• Can provide an overview of the company and the people who will be working with the FJCF;
• Show their knowledge of the needs of the target audience (Francophone youth, registered in various disciplines, for a national event); and
• Demonstrate its professionalism, its will to collaborate and its project management skills by placing the youth’s experience at heart when carrying out its mandate.


5.1 Elements which must be included in the proposal
In order to be considered, the company must send a proper written submission by email to the following address,, by 4 pm on July 15, 2019, at the latest. Proposals that are not submitted according to the conditions laid out in this RFP will not be considered.

A. Presentation of the company
B. Demonstration of the understanding of the mandate
C. Description of the steps leading up to the completion of the project and including the following:
– Proposed structure and management method;
– Team assigned to the project and the main responsibilities they will be entrusted with;
– Suggested approaches to ensure a constant connection with the client;
– Detailed budget representative of the total cost including the following elements:
§ The total value of the honorariums and services included;
§ The cost of transportation per team/participant;
§ The cost of printing the plane tickets;
§ The cost for a representative to be on site if necessary (to be confirmed);
§ Other costs such as taxes.
5.2 Elements that must be included with your proposal
The proposal must include the following elements:
• Cover letter;
• Short statements on the experience of the team (biographies) presenting the main people in charge of carrying out the project;
• Three relevant references that will be contacted as part of the final selection process.

National Transportation | Jeux de la francophonie canadienne 2020 Fédération de la jeunesse canadienne-française
The key dates to submit a proposal and carry out the deliverables are as follows:

Receive submissions for the client, including an estimate of the costs July 15, 2019, by 4 pm EST at the latest Choice of selected company September 1, 2019
Research and negotiation with airline companies September 2019 to March 2020
Purchasing plane tickets After April 1, 2020
Confirming the names on the plane tickets June 15, 2020
End of deliverables July 31, 2020

Please note that proposals that are not submitted in proper fashion will not be evaluated. The following list is an overview of the elements on which the company will be rated.

Proposal meets all of the RFP’s requests 10 points
Understanding of mandate 10 points
Management method suggested to lead project 10 points
Ability to deliver project in the requested timeline 20 points
Ability to deliver project according to proposed budget 25 points
Experience relevant to mandate 10 points
References 10 points
Overall quality of the proposal 5 points


Caroline Bujold
National Coordinator – Jeux de la francophonie canadienne
Fédération de la jeunesse canadienne-française
450, Rideau Street, suite 403
Ottawa (Ontario) K1N 5Z4


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