- Five (5) Fiscal Years: April 1, 2026 – March 31, 2031
- Option of three (3) year extension
- Issued by Volleyball Canada (the Canadian Volleyball Association)
- Responses to RFP due to Volleyball Canada by April 6, 2025, 11:59PM ET
- Volleyball Canada (VC) Request for Proposal for External Audit Services
- Volleyball Canada (legally referred to as the Canadian Volleyball Association) is a non-profit
organization duly incorporated under the laws of Canada, having its head office in Ottawa. - Extensive information on Volleyball Canada can be found on its web site at www.volleyball.ca.
- Prior audited financial statements will be provided to proponents upon request.
This document constitutes a Request for Proposal (RFP).
The intent with this RFP is to solicit responses from qualified proponents for the provision of external audit services for Volleyball Canada.
Terms on Contract
The successful proponent will be awarded the external audit services for Volleyball Canada
for five (5) years commencing for the fiscal year of April 1, 2025, to March 31, 2026. Volleyball
Canada, at their sole discretion, will have the right to extend the agreement for three (3) additional years. Ninety (90) days written notice must be provided if either party wishes to terminate the agreement prior to the contract’s expiry date.
Inquiries During Proposal Process
In response to individual questions and clarifications, written inquiries regarding the RFP
can be e-mailed to:
Alana White awhite@volleyball.ca
A document of questions may be created and shared with all proposing parties.
Submission of Proposal
Submit one copy of the proposal electronically to:
Subject: RFP Response – Audit Services
Alana White awhite@volleyball.ca
Proposal Submission Due:
April 6, 2025, 11:59PM ET
Proponents are solely responsible for the method of conveyance of their proposal to the receiving point. Volleyball Canada reserves the right to accept any proposal submitted or to reject all proposals. It is anticipated that the successful Proponent will be notified no later than June 13, 2025.
Termination of Contract
Volleyball Canada reserves the right to terminate the agreement with ninety (90) days written
notice subject to the following:
• The successful Proponent fails to perform in accordance with specified service requirements as outlined in the RFP.
• The successful Proponent fails to provide any product or service as specified in the
agreement without written explanation.
• The successful Proponent otherwise violates the provisions of the RFP to a significant degree.
Bidder Qualifications
To be considered a candidate for the provision of audit services for Volleyball Canada,
Proponents must:
• Be licensed to provide auditing services in Canada;
• Have a minimum of five (5) years’ experience in auditing not-for-profit organizations.
• Organizations with prior experience in auditing National Sports
• Organizations (NSO) would be considered an asset;
• Have other not-for-profit clients.
Scope of Service Requirements
Following are specific services required:
- Audited financial statements and not-for-profit return.
- The work shall be conducted in accordance with Canadian generally-accepted auditing standards.
- Knowledge of Provincial and Federal Contribution agreements
- Pre and post audit engagement with Finance and Audit Committee.
- Mid-year audit (to September 30th) to be completed by February 14th each year, to review financial health and goals for the first six months of the fiscal year
- Audit fieldwork to be completed by May 5th each year, to facilitate management, Finance and Audit Committee and Board review and approval
- Letter of recommendation to Finance and Audit Committee based upon audit findings.
- Presentation of the final audit results to the Volleyball Canada Board of Directors if required by attending the Annual Meeting.
- Advise Volleyball Canada of any and all changes to internal controls and in accounting and reporting requirements.
- Be available as a resource on internal controls, accounting and related issues throughout the fiscal year.
Proposal Contents and Format
Following is to be included:
• Firm’s experience working within the not-for-profit sector including NSOs.
• List of individuals, including their experience, in the firm that will be directly responsible for the audit and their proposed role.
• Depth of team resources in the event of staff turnover.
• Demonstrated knowledge and expertise related to the not-for-profit sector including auditing NSOs.
• The name and contact information of one to three not-for-profit organization for whom the firm has performed audits within the last two years.
• Fee structure for audit services and rate structure for other advisory services.
Basis of Awarding
A letter of engagement will be signed based on an evaluation of all responses. The criteria
for selection is provided in the Submission Framework and it includes the quality of the written response, the Proponents experience, approach to audit and scope of service requirements and the cost of the services (fees). Volleyball Canada reserves the right to schedule an interview with any Proponents.
Volleyball Canada reserves the right to waive any defects of all informalities in any proposal, to reject any or all proposals, to take any or all proposals under advisement or to accept any proposal as may be deemed to be in Volleyball Canada’s interest in meeting the standards of quality, price and value (“best” proposal).
Submission Requirements
Proponents are requested to submit a written proposal that describes how the services outlined in the Scope of Service Requirements section will be provided. The submission should be clear and concise with respect to previous experience that is considered to be relevant to this project, the specific staff who will be assigned to this project and their responsibilities. In order to facilitate the evaluation of proposals, Proponents are requested to organize their Proposal as per the following:
Submission Framework
1. Evaluation Criteria Max. Points
• Corporate/ Team experience:
• Expertise of the audit team members with not for-profit organizations
• Expertise in auditing NSOs
• System expertise (Volleyball Canada uses QuickBooks)
• Organization of the audit team
• References
30 points
2. Approach to audit and Volleyball Canada scope of service requirements:
• Audit approach, technology and methodology
• Identification of risk areas
• Ability to meet deadlines
• Value added services or offerings
20 points
3. Audit Fees and Rate Structure for Advisory Services
40 points
4. Overall quality of submission
10 points
Total Score 100
Proposal Content
The descriptions of proposal content that follow are not intended to be prescriptive, limiting or exhaustive – they are intended to serve only as a guideline:
Through the submission of a Proposal, the Proponent will address the following:
a) The proposed service team and their relevant experience, including references from one to three Not-for-Profit Organizations that the team has been involved with.
b) The Proponent’s industry experience, including NSO experience.
c) The proposed audit approach and methodology.
d) Identification of risk areas
e) Approach to Volleyball Canada’s service requirements and its commitment to Volleyball Canada’s timing and deadline requirements.
f) Approach to resolution of accounting and disclosure issues, as they may arise from time to time.
g) Approach to post-audit/ management letters.
Financial Proposal
A fee proposal including price and effort should be broken down as follows:
• Hours expected and hourly rates for each team member for the audit.
• Hourly rates for other accounting, audit and tax services are requested.
• Other expenses such as admin fees, travel, printing, should be fully disclosed.
• Proposals must provide a three-year schedule of fees, for services herein described. All prices are to be quoted net of HST.
Evaluation Process
The Evaluation Committee will be composed of the Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee (Volleyball Canada Board of Governors), the CEO, Volleyball Canada and the COO, Volleyball Canada, with a recommendation to the Annual Meeting on June 6, 2025, and the successful Proponent informed by close of business June 13th, 2025.