7th Annual Concussion Research Symposium &
2nd Concussion in Women and Girls Conference
Update on Concussion Research and
Concussion in Women and Girls
Saturday November 2, 2019 | BMO Education & Conference Centre
Concussion Public Forum in association with the 7th Annual Concussion Research Conference on Friday November 1, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Dr. Douglas H. Smith
Professor and Vice Chairman of Research and Education, Department of Neurosurgery, Director of PENN’s Center for Brain Injury and Repair, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Symposium Director
Dr. Charles Tator
Scientist, Krembil
Research Institute;
Project Leader, Canadian Concussion Centre, Toronto Western Hospital, University Health Network
: conferences@uhn.ca : (416) 597-3422 ext 3448
For more information or to register online for the conference, visit:
Dr. Joseph A. Maldjian
Professor of Radiology at UT Southwestern Medical Center, Chief of the Neuroradiology Imaging Research Lab, USA
Or scan the following QR code:
Symposium Co-Chairs: Dr. Carmela Tartaglia and Dr. Robin
During this conference, participants will learn about the latest research on clinical, neuropsychological, neuroimaging and neuropathological manifestations of the concussion spectrum of disorders. This includes acute concussion, post-concussion syndrome (PCS) and neurodegeneration, including chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). In addition, we will have an update on research in concussion in women and girls.
A poster session will be held during breaks and lunchtime.
Prior to the conference, in the afternoon on Friday November 1, there will be an additional scientific meeting at the Krembil Brain Institute followed by a public forum in the evening titled: Concussion and Mental Health.