MLSE Foundation Launches 2024 Change the Game Research Report

On January 17th, 2024, MLSE Foundation launched its latest Change the Game research report, titled Growing the Game means Changing the Game, alongside 200+ stakeholders representing a diverse cross section of multiple levels of the youth sport system in Ontario.

Since MLSE Foundation launched the Change the Game research program in 2021 in collaboration with Dr. Simon Darnell and the University of Toronto’s Centre for Sport Policy Studies, more than 25,000 diverse Ontario youth have given voice to the study on issues and opportunities related to access, equity, culture, and safety in sport. The challenges and ideas raised by youth are timely, relevant, and informative in sector-wide conversations on redefining safe spaces and reimagining positive cultures for the future of youth sport.

With Ontario’s youth sport system now fully operational, the insights emerging from this third and final act of the Change the Game research program’s return to play trilogy represent the most authentic baseline of youth sport participation and engagement since the height of pandemic-related stoppages. Youth have shared their feedback on whether, how, and why or why not they have been able to access sport opportunities. They have redefined the concept of safe sport on their terms. They have expressed their desires for change and what a reimagined sport system looks like to them.

Let’s listen to what they had to say. Let’s get to work.

The full playbook-style report can be found on the MLSE Foundation research page, here:

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