Application Deadline February 22nd!
I·SPARC (The Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity & Recreation Council) is accepting applications for its Winter edition of the Equipment Grant Program now through to February 22nd, 2023!
All First Nations, Métis Chartered Communities and Friendship Centres are eligible to apply for the Equipment Grant. In addition, some community not-for-profit organizations that deliver Indigenous sport, recreation and/or physical activity programs may be eligible to apply.
In recognition of the need for access to equipment to reduce barriers to participation, we are pleased to announce that for this grant intake, the maximum grant amount will once again be up to $3,000. Grant applications can range for requests from $500 up to $3,000.
The equipment must be used to promote healthy active lifestyles for Indigenous communities by reducing barriers and increasing access to sport, recreation and physical activity programs.
Friday, FEBRUARY 22nd @ midnight (PST).
Please make sure you have visited I·SPARC EQUIPMENT GRANT for complete information before applying.
Applications that demonstrate the following will rank highest within the application evaluation process:
- New programs and initiatives which address gaps in basic access to sport, recreation and/or physical activity
- A well-defined need for the equipment, plan for its use, and description of the barriers it will help to reduce
- A large number of Indigenous peoples benefiting from use of the equipment
- Easy access, qualified supervision, and shared use of equipment
PLEASE NOTE: Sport Apparel (jerseys, pinnies) electronics (projectors, scoreboards, fitness trackers), large single-user items such as treadmills and items for one individual athlete are NOT ELIGIBLE for the Equipment Grant Program. See a list of generally approved equipment HERE
All applications must include an official purchase quote or invoice from the supplier, and letter(s) of support. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Funds will be awarded either by reimbursement on submission of receipts showing method and proof of purchase, or by direct billing. Equipment placed on supplier accounts will not be eligible.
Due to limited funds, not all applicants will be selected. All grant recipients will be required to complete and submit a final report which will be provided by I·SPARC.
For more information please visit, or contact
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada
This newsletter comes to you from I·SPARC’s Grant Program.
Director, Sport
Lara Mussell
P: 250.856.0862
Manager, Sport Development & Community Engagement
Michelle Webster
P: 250.856.0866