We are all Team NT

Table Tennis North, Hockey NWT and Badminton are excited to announce the #weareallteamnt campaign. Highlighting those that don’t wear the Team NT colours at the upcoming multi sport games, but still have a huge impact on those that represent the Northwest Territories.

We are proud of our athletes and coaches that will wear the colours of Team NT at the 2023 Wood Buffalo Arctic Winter Games. They represent the Northwest Territories with their hearts, minds and bodies. For each of them a support system is in place, wonderful humans that show up, share their passion, guide them, listen to them, mentor them, waking them up in the morning and so much more. We want to take the time and highlight everyone that contributes to Team NT.

Please use the hashtag #weareallteamnt and highlight those that make a difference in your life. Tag them in the post, take a picture, create a video and say “We are all Team NT.” Share it with your Territorial Sport Organization and ask them to post it, share it and comment on it. It is all about coming together, supporting each other and making a difference in the North.

Table Tennis: https://www.facebook.com/tabletennisnorth/posts/pfbid02QDYJcovzuu6ttQX8mZfy5Kjn28ekmrP94aqpLCsMjjux1pkp68MucEYRihtMJJFkl

Hockey: https://www.facebook.com/hockeynwt/posts/pfbid0TyrQKAYeA3AVVY1aGzNkPFvP4HxUimnPRNGhBskChnkuDbC5Z74i3LBXaYt6eWYnl

Badminton: https://www.facebook.com/badmintonnwt/posts/pfbid033tQ31PABsnjwtSmQufxZjGa9tFquEFHUgMHVwuU4G1qfKxYDw6SC7L6qXJVj3YLkl

First few videos online already.

Deh Gah School: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=9452151251476866

Coach Neilson: https://www.facebook.com/tabletennisnorth/videos/6031705250184516/

We are all Team NT!!!

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