Deadline to submit abstracts for IPLC 2023 fast approaching!

Calling all health, education and physical activity sector leaders!

International Physical Literacy Conference(IPLC) is back and scheduled to take place May 1-5, 2023 in New York City, and we want to hear about your leading-edge work, inventive programming, best practices, research and/or findings there.

IPLC 2023 will feature keynote speakers, individual presentations, panel sessions, interactive breaks and activities, and workshops. The conference theme is Building a New Normal, and the streams to consider when submitting a presentation abstract include:

  • The Need for Physical Literacy

  • Equitable Physical Literacy for Life

  • Physical Literacy in Action

  • Physical Literacy Policy and Strategy

  • Physical Literacy Assessment

Learn more about each stream here.

The presentation format descriptions to consider when submitting a presentation abstract include

  • Quality Physical Literacy-Based Workshop: This is a 90-minute active workshop on existing quality physical literacy programs that have been developed and researched.

  • Individual Presentation

  • Panel Sessions

  • Citius Vocem: This is a short individual presentation with a maximum time of 4 minutes and 16 slides.

  • Poster Submission: Posters have a space of 4’x4′ and poster presenters are expected to be at their poster during the meal breaks and the social reception to explain their poster and answer any questions.

Abstracts will be accepted until December 13, 2022.


If you have questions about the abstract submission process or registration, contact Sarah-Kate Burke at

If you have general questions about the IPLC, contact Chrissy Colizza at

We will be regularly updating our website with more information as we have it.

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