The 2022 Field Hockey Canada Conference is a three-day online event held from May 3–May 5, 2022. The second edition of this conference will aim to engage and inspire while relying on True Sport values, such as respect, fairness and inclusion.
Featuring various experts and speakers from diverse professional backgrounds, the event will encapsulate all aspects of the industry in a way that gives back to the community and celebrates the strength of our numbers.
-Event Schedule
Tuesday May 3 – DAY 1
Keynote – TBD
Morning session: Women in Sports
Time: 12pm PT / 3pm ET
Presenters – Jenn Swagar, Mataya Jim, TBD (Moderated by Grace Li)
Inclusivity, recruitment, and retention. Field Hockey Canada invites the community to have a constructive and collaborative workshop led by industry professionals and hockey community members about how we can best include and keep women in sport at all levels.
Afternoon Session: Community Roundtable
Time: 2pm PT / 5pm ET
Moderated by Field Hockey Canada Staff – Jenn Beagan, Grace Li, Hailey Yhap and Kevin Underhill
Share and learn about field hockey experiences throughout the country via this roundtable discussion, where we will address two prominent topics that our community currently faces.
Wednesday May 4 – DAY 2
Morning Session: Community and Culture
Time: 10am PT / 1pm ET
Presenters: Sandeep Chopra & panellists (TBD)
Learn how culture plays a critical role in the field hockey community and what we can do to better enhance it to become a more open, inclusive and united sport.
Afternoon Session: Session Planning for Coaches
Time: 12pm PT / 3pm ET
Presenter: Jennifer Misurelli
Learn how to promote mental health through coaching practices and create programs with mental health and safe sport in mind.
Time: Afternoon Session: Concussion Awareness and Education
Time: 1:30pm PT / 4:30pm ET
Presenters: Kate Perry & Ayesha Koome
Join our sport medical professional presenters in a discussion and workshop covering concussion safety in hockey. Increase your understanding of the concussion protocol and make sure everyone on the field is aware.
Thursday May 5 – DAY 3
Morning Session: Mental Wellness in Sport
Time: 9:30am PT / 12:30pm ET
Presenter: Dr. Katy Kamkar
Join the hockey community in a discussion about mental health and wellness from a sports perspective. Watch a presentation and engage in a workshop about mental wellness techniques and strategies for managing mental health challenges with your sport.
Afternoon Session: The importance of umpiring and officiating in hockey
Time: 11:30am PT / 2:30pm ET
Presenter: Lelia Sacre
The recruitment and retainment of officials and umpires is a critical challenge in the Canadian hockey community. Learn how can we, as a community, get more officials involved in the game and keep them involved. Hear from an international umpire and discuss the next steps for our national community.