Young gymnast injury risks

Young gymnasts are most at risk for growth-related and overuse injuries. Two risk factors of these types of injury are maturation and training load. Currently, little is known regarding coaching knowledge and practice related to these risks. This study examines coach knowledge and identifies gaps to help promote athlete safety.

Air quality is a safe sport issue

Training outdoors when air pollution is high is risky for athletes. SIRC and Health Canada have partnered to create resources, including an eLearning module, to teach participants and coaches about best practices when it comes to air quality and outdoor training.

Creating conditions for psychological safety

Ensuring that athletes feel comfortable voicing their opinion (and have it considered and respected) is an important aspect of psychological safety in sport. A recent study of 379 athletes showed that those who felt they could be open with their coaches and teammates were more likely to feel psychologically safe, and to have a positive…

Safe, quality and values-based: 3 approaches to optimize sport experience

Highlights  There are several evidence-informed approaches to sport delivery that researchers and sport organizations encourage, and that you can engage with, to promote positive experiences and combat harmful cultures in sport and society  Quality sport, values-based sport and safe sport are 3 approaches to sport program delivery that are gaining traction and popularity at all…


Coaching philosophies play a key role in athletes’ safety. Developed by Dr. Peter Scales, “Compete-Learn-Honor” is a new, evidence-informed approach to player development that promotes emotional and physical safety, fun, and growth as a person and player.

Bicycle helmets and children

Biking is a popular form of physical activity for children that has risks for injury to the head. Research shows that children who rode bicycles without a helmet are 14 times more likely to experience a fatal crash compared to children wearing helmets. Safe Kids provides safety tips on how to ensure that your child…

Ice safety

Snowmobiling and ice skating on ponds, lakes or rivers that are not adequately frozen can put individuals at risk. Checking ice thickness and colour before going on to it is key to preventing injuries. Keep in mind ice thickness can be impacted by many factors, including the time of year, the size of the body…

Indirect detection of doping in sports

The athlete biological passport (ABP) was created to assist with the detection of doping in sports. Unlike traditional detection methods which are one-off and direct, the ABP is an electronic record of an athlete’s biological attributes, developed from multiple samples taken over time. Variables are monitored closely to identify any changes that may indicate the…

Post-concussion communication

When an athlete experiences a concussion, it is common for teammates and coaches to provide well-intentioned forms of support that are met with resistance from the athlete. According to new research, an effective strategy to support a concussed athlete is to ask them what they need from you. Every athlete is unique: They may want…

Strategies for LGBTQ+ inclusivity in sport

LGBTQ+ youth often feel unsafe in sport environments. Coaches and sport leaders seeking to be inclusive need to recognize that participation alone doesn’t mean inclusion. Engaging in education and self-reflection, partnering with advocacy groups, recruiting and supporting LGBTQ+ individuals in leadership roles and evaluating the inclusivity of organizational policies are all ways that sport leaders…

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