Fitness apps and activity trackers promote activity

Mobile apps and fitness trackers are a convenient way to monitor activity, set personalized activity goals and receive feedback on your activity levels. Fitness apps and activity trackers encourage better activity habits; for example, researchers found that those who use apps and trackers take approximately 1850 more steps per day, which is equal to just…

Fitness trackers encourage increased activity

Fitness trackers and other wearable tech have become increasingly popular in sporting and non-sporting populations. Researchers have determined that activity trackers tend to encourage wearers to take approximately 1800 extra steps per day, equivalent to approximately 40 extra minutes of walking.

Inclusive websites

A sport organization’s website is often the first place people with disabilities go to learn about different program offerings. Unfortunately, few organizations clearly indicate what programs they offer for people with disabilities. Making program information easier to find and ensuring that websites are easy to navigate and accessible to all individuals are just some strategies…

Technology in sports (soccer)

Virtual reality (VR) is increasingly used in sport psychology training due to its ability to simulate high pressure situations. In soccer, VR is used to train goalkeepers by triggering sport-induced anxiety during penalty kick simulations. Like VR exposure therapy used in military training and mental health therapy, this technology allows athletes to work through their…

Technology in sports

Augmented reality (AR) creates an enhanced version of the real world using digital visual, sound, and sensory information. Research shows that AR in sports can assist athlete training by providing visualizations of real-time performance metrics and increasing the accuracy of complex movements through feedback. Interactive scenarios created by AR can also further enhance the viewing…

Sports injury surveillance systems

The sport sector is constantly striving to enhance injury prevention mechanisms. Sports injury surveillance systems that provide quality data are critical when creating and evaluating injury prevention strategies. These strategies should be incorporated at all levels to create stronger standards for data reporting, monitoring injury and developing sport safety strategies.

Technology in officiating

Officials use technology to support decision making in sports such as tennis, basketball and American football. In 2018, the video assistance referee (VAR) was introduced into professional soccer to advise referees of clear and obvious errors during matches. Research shows that the use of VAR significantly increased the accuracy of key match decisions from 92.1%…

Governance, strategy, evaluation: Digital future-proofing for sport organizations

Laptop sitting on a desk with a hand typing

As we transition into an increasingly online world, how can sport organizations not only cope, but thrive? What are the potential benefits of social media for sport organizations of all levels, and what are the downsides? SIRC put these questions to Michael Naraine, an Associate Professor of Sport Management at Brock University. Naraine’s research specializes…

Validity and reliability

Before implementing new technology into your program, first ask yourself, can the technology be believed? Assessing the validity and reliability of a new technology is one way to determine its credibility. Validity assesses if the technology is measuring what it promises to measure, while reliability speaks to its consistency and degree of error when providing…

Shoe tech decreases marathon times

Technology is rapidly changing the sporting landscape. A recent study showed that advances in footwear technology since 2017 have significantly improved seasonal best times for distance runners. New shoe technology is responsible for a 1.7% performance increase in women’s marathon time (approximately 2 minutes, 10 seconds).

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