The Investigation Unit is Now Up and Running

Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada – Montréal (Québec) – The Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada (SDRCC) is happy to announce that the Investigation Unit is now fully operational. Supporting the will of the Canadian sport system to foster healthy and safe workplace and sport practice environments, the SDRCC decided, last fall, to extend his expertise to offer, as a pilot project until March 2020, a list of qualified and independent investigators to assist federally-funded sport organizations in handling complaints and allegations.

Offered on a voluntary and fee-for-service basis, the investigation services are overseen by an Advisory Committee and provided by pre-selected investigators who received sport-specific orientation and training. Remuneration conditions, operating standards, policies and guidelines for quality control have been established to ensure the smooth running of the pilot project. More information on this program can be found at the following link:

Second Call for Applications – Members of the Investigation Unit

The Advisory Committee is also seeking applications from more qualified investigators interested in joining the Investigation Unit. They are invited to send their applications by email to the SDRCC before 4 p.m. (EST) on January 18, 2019. Full details surrounding this second call for applications can be found at the following link:


The SDRCC is a not-for-profit corporation created by federal legislation and funded by the Government of Canada. The mission of the SDRCC is to provide the sport community with a national alternative dispute resolution service and strengthen the culture of fairness in Canadian sport by resolving disputes quickly and efficiently and to provide expertise and assistance regarding alternative dispute resolution. 

For more information, please contact: 

Marie-Claude Asselin

Chief Executive Officer

Tel: 1-866-733-7767 

Mobile: (514) 465-7339

mcasselin @

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