The Coaching Association of Canada and AgileIS take the lead in participant safety for concussion management

The CAC and AgileIS partner to launch CAPT, a digital platform to improve concussion education and reduce risk, liability, and mismanagement.

Ottawa, June 8, 2023 – Agile Intelligent Solutions (AgileIS) and the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC), in collaboration with Parachute, are pleased to announce the launch of CAPT (Concussion Awareness, Protocols and Training), the AgileIS concussion management platform. This partnership is a commitment to collaboratively improve concussion safety in various sectors including, but not limited to, educational institutions as well as sport and recreation organizations.

Concussions are a serious public health issue in Canada. Early recognition of a concussion, proper medical assessment, and appropriate management of a participant’s return to activity can make a significant difference in recovery.

CAPT is a digital concussion management platform that adapts an organization’s concussion protocol to a desktop and mobile platform, making it easily accessible by anyone with authorization. This platform is an effective way for participants to follow their concussion management protocols from diagnosis to recovery.

By transforming time-consuming concussion protocols into a simple step-by-step approach, users can more easily manage concussion injuries after they occur. CAPT empowers organizations to react more quickly and effectively to concussions and helps every point of contact within an organization to act correctly and in real-time. The easy-to-follow process can be accessed from any mobile device to take the uncertainty and complexity out of concussion management and recovery, and the digital platform enables the easy transmission of updates to protocols and removes the burden of a paper trail.

The CAC is the steward of the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP), which provides standardized, inclusive, and safe sport education to coaches and coach developers across 68 sports. The CAC facilitates NCCP training through its partner network and works collaboratively to enhance the experiences of all participants across the country.

The CAC provides concussion management resources and training as part of the NCCP to encourage all sport and recreation leaders to maintain high standards for their protocol and processes. The free NCCP Making Head Way eLearning module series prepares coaches and participants to manage concussions through education, prevention, detection, and recovery.

CAPT includes a link to NCCP Making Head Way, which will increase awareness of this important training across a broader audience, including coaches, parents, school administration, teachers, volunteers, and other individuals who may not currently have access or visibility to educational support for concussion management.

“The CAPT Concussion Management Platform provides everyone in the sport and recreation community the ability to better manage their concussion protocol on and off the field of play. By digitizing an organization’s protocol, we can enhance the quality and rate of decisions regarding concussion management and participants’ return to activity, while also building a complete record of the events. CAPT is a significant step forward in the way we manage and support recovery from concussions in sport,” said Lorraine Lafrenière, CEO of the Coaching Association of Canada.

“The Coaching Association of Canada is a leader in promoting education and safety at all levels of sport in Canada.” said Terry Kell, CEO of AgileIS. “Since 1974, more than 2 million coaches and coach developers have engaged in training through the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) to develop their own coaching skills and to improve the performance of their athletes and participants at all levels of sport. Through the partnership with our product CAPT, the Coaching Association of Canada again takes the lead in participant safety for concussion management.”

“Parachute is pleased support the collaboration between the Coaching Association of Canada and AgileIS and to provide evidence-informed content for CAPT. Equipping organizations, parents, coaches, educators and others with the right information to prevent, recognize and manage concussions is important to support the health and safety of sport and recreation participants at all levels,” said Pamela Fuselli, President and CEO of Parachute.

About AgileIS and CAPT

AgileIS specializes in the development and deployment of applications that provide digital access to healthcare-related services. CAPT is a digital concussion platform that streamlines your concussion education, removal and return protocols. CAPT provides first-class care for students and athletes while mitigating risk across your organization.

About the Coaching Association of Canada

The Coaching Association of Canada unites stakeholders and partners in its commitment to raising the skills and stature of coaches, and ultimately expanding their reach and influence. Through its programs, the CAC empowers coaches with knowledge and skills, promotes ethics, fosters positive attitudes, builds competence, and increases the credibility and recognition of coaches.

About the National Coaching Certification Program

The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) provides standardized, inclusive, and sport safety education to coaches and coach developers across 68 sports. Since 1974, more than 2 million coaches have engaged in NCCP training to develop their own coaching skills and to improve the performance of their participants at all levels of sport.

About Parachute

Parachute is Canada’s national charity dedicated to reducing the devastating impact of preventable injuries. Injury is the No. 1 killer of Canadians aged 1 to 44 and the financial toll is staggering, with injury costing the Canadian economy $29.4 billion a year. Through education and advocacy, Parachute is working to save lives and create a Canada free of serious injuries. For more information, visit us at

Media Contact
Selma Baaziz
Manager, Marketing and Communications
Coaching Association of Canada

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